Chapter 9

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-Kiyama Ena POV-

Chifuyu walked to me and stood next to me.
He had determination on his face...
"Hansen-kun" said Mikey. "Thanks for agreeing to oversee this today"

"If this fight sucks, I'm taking you both down" said Hansen.
"Representatives from both gangs, step forward!" one of Hansen's members shouted.
Draken stepped forward and Kazutora as well...

'Kazutora... you're also on my hit list, jackass'
"A five-on-five with your best guys..." said Hansen. "Or an all-out melee with everyone. What do you guys wanna do?"
"Valhalla brought this fight to us" said Draken. "You guys decide Kazutora"

"Huh?" said Kazutora.
"We only have one condition: Baji Keisuke's return" said Draken. "If Toman wins this battle, we'll be taking Baji back. That's all"
"Huh? Baji came to us on his own" said Kazutora. "There's nothing to return"

"We'll be taking Baji back" said Draken. "That's all"
"You jackass... bring it on" said Kazutora, he was pissed...
"Hey, you guys gonna fight he..." began Hansen, but Kazutora beat him...

"Oh great" I said. "He totally lost it"
"Give me a break" said Kazutora. "Overseeing the fight? Conditions? You guys come here to play house or some shit? We came here to beat the shit outta you until you're dead!"

"Wanna get shit started already, Mikey?" it was Hanma.
"Let's go, Toman!" shouted Mikey.
"Yeah!" we all shouted and the fight began...

Valhalla was big... and strong.
I managed to hold them off, Chifuyu was sticking close to me and covered my weak spots.
I saw Kazutora ran to Mikey, but Draken protected him.

I ran to them and kicked Kazutora in the head.
"Looks like you need a little lesson, Kazutora" I said.
"Kaida" he said.
"Yo, long time no see" I said.

Hanma walked to us and kicked Draken to the side.
"I'm leaving Kaida and Mikey to you, Kazutora" said Hanma.
"I can handle Kazutora" I said to Mikey. "You don't need to get your hands dirty with his blood"

"You really think you can handle me, Kaida?" said Kazutora.
"Tch" I said annoyed. "You still think I'm weak, because I'm a girl heh? Jackass"
I managed to hit him hard, but as always, he recovered quickly.

"Ena-nee! Don't fight him!" shouted Chifuyu.
"Heh?!" I shouted. "Don't but in, Chifuyu. This is my fight. Now, let's dance, Kazutora"
It wasn't really a fair fight...

Two people suddenly got my arms.
"Shit" I said, I couldn't get out. "You still fight dirty, heh? And here I though you saw me as weak, and you still can't take me on yourself heh?"
"Who needs to play fair?" said Kazutora and walked closer with a knife... "You're dead, Kaida"

"Ena-nee!" I felt a knife on my throat...
Blood was running down my neck.
"You have really fallen, Kazutora" I said.

"Farewell, Kaida" he said.
"Get your hands of my sister!" Chifuyu kicked Kazutora away, which made me able to get rid of the other two.
"Thanks, Chifuyu" I said and his back was against mine.

"You okay?" he asked.
"I'm fine, thanks to you" I said.
"Let's go after Mikey" I heard Kazutora say and he and his 2 friends left.

But they were soon replaced by 10 members of Valhalla.
"They really pissed me off" I said.
"Let's kick ass" said Chifuyu.

People really shouldn't piss me off...
When I'm angry, I'm strong.
I saw Takemichi getting his ass handed to him.

"Chifuyu, go help Takemitchy!" I shouted.
"I'm not leaving you!" he shouted.
"Stop being a worrywart!" I shouted. "I'm fine! Mikey is dealing with Kazutora, the other members are weak! Takemitchy needs your help!"

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