Chapter 8

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-Kiyama Ena POV-

I held Chifuyu closer to me, remembering how Shinichiro died...
I wanted to protect my brother at all cost...
"I didn't have to go to juvie because Kazutora defended me" said Baji. "I've been waiting for Kazutora to go free"

"Nice, Baji" said Hanma. "If that's the case, you're definitely welcome. Here, that's Valhalla's jacket"
Baji put the jacket on...
'He's gone... no coming back now'

"Go and tell Mikey" said Hanma to me and Takemichi. "One week from now on October 31st... Valhalla versus Toman in an abandoned car lot. Shit's goin' down!"
I carried Chifuyu outside and when we were away from the arcade, I called an ambulance.

Chifuyu was constantly losing consciousness...


I was waiting in the waiting room while they looked after my brother.
"Ena-chan!" Mikey came to me and hugged me.
He noticed that I was trembling and he hugged me tighter.
"Mikey" I said and cried.

"How is he?" he asked.
"They're patching him up, but I should be able to take him home tonight" I said and sat down. . "Mikey... Baji did this to him. They made me watch it all..."
"Baji?" asked Mikey.

"I can't... I can't forgive him for this, Mikey" I said. "He hurt my family, he could've killed him, Mikey! Chifuyu... he wasn't moving..."
He was silent...
"When I see Baji, I'm gonna kill him" I said. "I'm going to do to him exactly what he did to my brother. And don't even think about stopping me"

"You can see him now" said the nurse and I stood up.
"I know he's your friend, Mikey" I said. "But what he did to my brother... I can never forgive that. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Don't be mad at Baji-san" was the first thing Chifuyu said when he saw me.
"Don't be mad?!" I whisper yelled. "Oh, I'm not mad, Chifuyu"
He smiled relaxed.

"I'm fucking furious" I said and his smile faded.
I sat down next to him and took his hand.
"You don't understand, Chifuyu" I said. "You are my family. He hurt you... He made me watch it, and I couldn't do a damn thing! I can never forgive that"

"I do understand" he said. "But it's all part of Baji's plan. I know it"
"I don't give a shit" I said. "No matter what plan, it shouldn't involve hurting you this badly. He could've killed you! Don't you understand that?!"
"I know" he said. "I'm sorry, for worrying you"

"You idiot" I said and let my forehead rest against his. "Don't ever make me worry about you like this again. My heart can't take it"
"I'm sorry" he whispered. "But please, I'm asking you. Don't kill Baji-san"
"Fine" I said. "I won't kill him. But when I see his fucking face, I'm going to do to him exactly what he did to you"

"Okay" he said and I hugged him.
"He should know better than to mess with my family" I whispered.
Seeing Chifuyu hurt, it reminded me of Shinichiro.
When Kazutora killed him...
I was so scared that Baji had done the same to my brother...


After grandma's lecture, Chifuyu went to his room.
And when I went to see him for breakfast, he was gone.
'Out for a while, don't worry, won't get into any fights. I promise'
"Really? You left a note?" I sighed. "Having a little brother is so exhausting..."


Mikey, Draken and I went to the Sano family grave.
Where Takemichi and Chifuyu were as well.
"I see" said Mikey after they explained. "So you heard about my brother"

"Shinichiro-kun was so badass" said Draken.
"That's the understatement of the year" I said.
"Yeah" said Mikey.

"Takemitchy..." said Draken. "We know. We know there's nothing we can do about that incident. It's not like Baji or Kazutora meant for it to go down like that"
"Yeah..." said Mikey. "I know there's nothing we can do. But my heart can't accept it"

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