Chapter 6

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-Kiyama Ena POV-

"Thanks, everyone" said Takemichi. "Let's do this, Kiyomasa!"
But Kiyomasa pulled out his knife and stabbed right through Takemichi's hand...
"Well look at you!" said Kiyomasa while Takemichi screamed out in pain. "I thought I killed you already, but you're livelier than I thought"

"Takemichi-kun!" shouted Hina and I managed to grab her arm to stop her.
"Hina! Don't! It's dangerous!" I shouted.
"Let go! Takemichi-kun is..." she shouted.

"This ain't no one-on-one" said Kiyomasa. "It's an execution"
"You frigging rule, Kiyomasa!" said one of the lackeys.
"I'll kill you, Hanagaki" said Kiyomasa.

Takemichi pulled out the knife and threw it away.
He began to fight Kiyomasa...

"What's wrong, Hanagaki?" smirked Kiyomasa. "You haven't even hit me once yet! Hope you like getting socked to death"
Takemichi tried again, he managed to get a hold on Kiyomasa and bit him.
"Heh, nice one" I smiled.

He managed to get behind Kiyomasa and began to suffocate him.
"I don't care if I can't become like Mikey-kun!" he shouted. "I'm... Hanagaki Takemichi!"
"Let go of me, you piece of shit!" shouted Kiyomasa.

"Don't you dare let go, Takemitchy!" I shouted.
Takemichi actually managed to knock out Kiyomasa.
"You done?" said the lackey, he had a knife...

"Frigging lame, Kiyomasa!"
"Got something to take with you to hell now" said the lackey.
"Hina..." said Takemichi. "Take Emma-chan and Kaida-san and run"

"Takemichi-kun..." said Hina.
'Crap... I'm... I'm losing consciousness...'
"Kaida!" I heard Draken shout my stupid nickname and I passed out...

-Flashback to 5th grade-

"Damn! Why can't I just beat you guys" I shouted and sat down.
"Heh? You do realise it takes all of our strength just to hold you off, right?" said Draken with a smile.
"Still... it sucks" I said. "I want to be strong like you"

"She's like a little you, almost as strong" said Mikey. "A little Dragon"
"Heh?" I said.
"Hmm..." said Mikey. "I got it! A new nickname for Ena-chan! Kaida, that means little dragon"

"That's just stupid, Mikey" I said.
"Heh? No it's not!" said Mikey. "It's a cool nickname, right, Ken-chin?!"
"It does suit you" said Draken. "Kaida"

"Fine... if you really want to call me that" I sighed. "Though, I'm not that little, you jerks!"
We were all laughing, and from that moment, Draken began calling me Kaida.

-End of Flashback-

"Can you hear me?" someone woke me up.
"Heh?" I said.
"Good, you're awake" the emergency responder said. "I'm going to put a pressure bandage on your arm. This might hurt"

I screamed out in pain.
"The fact that you're feeling it, is good" he said.
"It still hurt" I snapped. "Where are my friends?"

I was already in the ambulance.
Not long after I said those words, they brought Draken in and Takemichi sat down next to me.
"Do you know your blood type?" asked the emergency responder.
"A+" I answered.

"You lost a lot of blood, I'm going to give you some" he said and I nodded.
"Is... is my friend going to be okay?" I asked and they didn't answer.
"You just need to rest" he told me.

I was about to pass out again...
The last thing I remember, was an alarm going off...

-Matsuno Chifuyu POV-

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