Chapter 4: Unintended

Start from the beginning

I left my house around 7:30, I went to get coffee since I had time to spare. I parked near the coffee shop and sat enjoying my coffee. My car is my space, it has a lot of my personal things no one is allowed in it unless I say so. Therefore, I haven't let Techno or Schlatt in. I somehow always got them to drive me places. I never told them anything personal and nor did they.

 This means that they don't know that I am bi and I don't think I'll ever tell them.

I was staring at the stripped pink, blue and purple flag, when a notification caught my attention.

It was a text from Techno. I opened my messages

The Blade 


have you left yet?


I'll be there in 15

My friendship with Schlatt and Techno wasn't even close to the friendship I had with George and Sapnap.

I pull out of the parking lot and start to make my way to school.

When I get to the school, I go to the cafeteria right away. As I wonder into the lunchroom I walk past Tommy and Sapnap arguing while Wilbur and 2 others sat at the table watching. I only recognized Tommy and Wilbur because they're Technos adoptive brothers and I've seen them around his house. 

Techno and Schlatt were already talking when I got to the table, they said hi and continued their conversation. I didn't feel like talking to anyone this morning so I sat playing games on my phone. I looked up to see George walking into the room, he walked up to his friends and started talking to them. Out of no where he started laughing.

My smile grew on my face as I listened to his sweet laughter. It rang through my ears like a birdsong. It was soft and mellow. His voice is stunning and I absolutely adored his bright smile and his chocolate brown eyes. He is so pretty. I felt the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach, I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. 

I have the biggest crush on George if you couldn't tell. I realized this a few weeks ago, but I knew I felt this way at least a year ago thinking about it now. So I kept on "disappearing" when Schlatt and Techno went to pick on him. I decided that I was gonna try and get on to his good side again.

I was suddenly snapped out thoughts.

"So, Dream what do you think"

Schlatt asked.

"Of what"

"The plan"

I gave them a confused look.

"Never mind, just meet us here at lunch"

"Okay, see ya. I'm gonna go to class now"

"See ya"

They replied and I left. I was starting to get sick of them, I didn't enjoy picking on other students, especially George. I told myself that I was gonna stop hanging out with them, but I never did.

My first class of the day was science, this class usually goes by pretty quickly. Unfortunately, today was one of those days, where it was painfully slow.

I'm still surprised that I manage to get okay grades with everything that I do. I barely pay attention in class at all. Then I never have time for homework. Plus, I don't really care about my grades, so it never really bothers me if I fail or not.

I know that's not a good attitude to have, but like I said. I don't care.

 The bell rang and I left my first block class to go English. Techno and Schlatt are in this class, so that's a good thing. I think.

Notes with a smile on it // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now