"Hey..Dynamight, are you feeling okay?" River asked looking at him.

Katsuki glared at him and grabbed the files before storming out of the meeting and into his office.

The man he was arguing with followed not wanting to obey so easily.

He opened the office door as Katsuki set down the files.

"Sir please! We can save innocent people early! Just let me put a request to evacuate the village!"

Katsuki rubbed between his eyes just taking a moment.


"How many damn times do I have to repeat myself?!" Katsuki yelled. "Get the fuck out of my office. It's a no."

"But we could be risking lives of-"

"Does it look like a give a damn!?"

"Sir please!"


The door opened.

"DAMMIT NOW WHAT!?" Katsuki yelled glaring looking behind the man..but...his face immediately fell seeing _____.

The man turned around seeing her as he bowed respectfully.

"Nova..good evening" he said.

"..can I have a moment with him?" _____ asked the man as he hesitates. She could feel the tension in the room.

"Get out." Katsuki said to him. the man sighs before nodding and walking out of the office closing the door.

Katsuki just sighed rubbing his eyes as _____ walked closer to him.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

He fell back into his chair just having his face covered by his hands.

"...ya it's fine"

Ya right..


He looked up at her seeing her standing just opening his arms for her.

She smiled softly but shook her head. "Listen..I know you're busy and all but-"

"Sir! Spida is here! He's on his way to room 1120 right now!" Another worker said looking at Katsuki.

Katsuki looked at him and nods just getting up.

He grabbed the files before looking at _____.

"Can we talk later? I'm sorry but I don't have time. I'll be home late so don't stay up for me." Katsuki said just kissing her cheek before running out.

She stayed. Frozen in place. What..the...fuck..

Katsuki walked into the room.

"Ah Dynamight, let's get this started shall we?" Pro Hero Spida. Quirk Spider. Age 51.

"Right here are the files-"

Spica's phone rang. He looked down at it and sighed.

"Give me a second my apologies..it's my wife" Spida said as Katsuki just nods letting him pick up the call and go outside.

I don't fucking have time for this!

Katsuki waited inside but in the next few seconds the door opened.

"Finally..ok so everything you need to know is in the-..._____? What are you..? I told you I was busy, what's wrong?" Katsuki looked seeing ____ walk through the doors.

Desire (Bakugou X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang