Xander's Dream

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!!!Warning Explicit Topics!!! I strongly do not recommend to younger audiences!!!

Sensual lyrics blare over the radio, the pulsating rhythm timing perfectly with ever movement either body makes. 

The ultimate sin. Two bodies together in union. 

For one this is new, for the other it's a familiar feeling. It may not be who you think it is. This woman truly is a woman of her word. There's no way this is just natural instinct, but she swears on her life that it must be.

Their acts have proven that sometimes lust can be as beautiful as love. He knows his way around a figure such as hers, but never has one responded the same as she did. Every touch earned a pleased gesture.

She was just happy to love and to be loved in return. She'd been loved before, but never like this.

No one ever loved her enough to listen to her words. If only they knew the beautiful things she'd say if only she'd been given the chance. 

And he, he was a burnt match relit by a raging inferno. Everything would burn to ash eventually, but he'd enjoy it while it lasts. Surely this woman would leave eventually. All good things must end, and this one, this one is too good. If it lasted long enough they would snuff each other out and all would end the same.

Because her fire would last forever, and his would slowly die off. If she left quick enough she could get away before she had to see that. If only he could burn with her forever, are they twin flames or just forest fires meeting in the middle?

Neither knew the answer. But both knew that they had little time left. So they danced the night away washing sins with corrupt blood and rotting hands, but it still cleansed their minds for the coming days of gloom and agony.

All he could do was stand by and watch her suffer. She was blissfully ignorant to the collapsing world around her, and he knew he had to find a way to stay with her through it all. Lust was the only way to keep sane when he knew what was coming.

Would she ever know just how much he loved her?

She looked him in the eye as the both ascended into their own little heavenly pit of Hell. They dug their graves, but can never lie in them. There's too much left to do.

Just like Romeo and Juliet except this forbidden love can never die. A queen and her loyal servant stuck together in a bleak white existence. Floating endlessly in the dark.

"I love you." He mouthed to her. Lying in their graves together, holding hands, they watched the dirt pile on top of them. Their fate was sealed. 

The prophecy had finally come true. He smiles, for he is finally free from these chains of love, just like Chucky and Tiffany, they were never meant to grace this once clean Earth.

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