The Keyblade Team

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Pump woke up with a slap on his face, which caused him to shoot up. He looked up to see his mother glaring at him with a whip in one hand.

Pump: Ow!!! Mom, what gives?!!! [This earned him another whipping] Ow! [Pump knew that his mom was super strict to the "No talking back" rule that she would whip him everytime he talked back for any reason]

Karen: [Angry] You slept in, that's what! You were supposed to wash the dishes, clean up the living room, mow the lawn, sweep the floor, feed Chocolate, and wash the car! You have thirty minutes, and whatever you don't finish will earn you more whippings! 

Pump: But mom...

Karen: No buts, mistake! Now get going!!! [She whacked the whip at Pump, which made him jolt  out of bed]

After thirty minutes, Pump couldn't get any of his chores done in time sense his mom was giving him too much pressure that he could only eat breakfast and get dressed after getting more whippings from his mother. Once he got to school, he was tackled by Marine.

Marine: Hi Pump! Team Heroes agreed to let you meet them! Though it'll be awhile before we can meet sense we're really busy with school and other things. [Pico then arrived with Pikachu]

Pico: Are you alright, Pump? You look exhausted!

Pikachu: Pik pika! [And sweaty!]

Pump: It's a long story. [Pump then remembered what Silver had told him about telling him who to trust] First off, [He held out his hands and the keyblade popped out, shocking Pico, Marine, and Pikachu]

Marine: A sword that looks like a key?! Wow!

Pico: How did  you do that, Pump?! 

Pikachu: Pika pika pik pik pik pik pika! [I've never seen such a thing before!]

Just then, six black creatures appeared around the group. Their yellow bright eyes were surrounding the group as the rest of the students were already inside.

Marine: What are those things?!

Pikachu: [Backing away] Pik pika pik pik! [Stay away from me!]

Pump: The heartless! They're here! [Turns to Marine and Pico] Quick you guys, take these necklaces! [Marine and Pico grab the necklaces and they put them on, which summoned a sheild for Marine and a staff for Pico]

Marine: Wow! A sheild! Now I look like a knight!

Pico: A staff? But I already have a gun. Pump, can you explain?

Pikachu: Pik pik pik pika pik pika pika? [How come I didn't get anything?]

Pump: Just use them on the heartless. I'll explain afterwards.

[After the battle...]

Marine: That was awesome! But where did those creatures come from? And how did you know what they were, Pump?

Pico: And why did you give us a staff and sheild? What's going on?

Pikachu: Pik pik pik pika pik pika pika?! [Why are we asking so many questions?!]

Pump: Alright, you guys, here's everything I know. You see, there's this legend about the five victims, and those victims are Sonic, Starlight, Skid, Girlfriend, and Rainbow. They need the power of waking from the keyblade that I'm wielding that once belonged to a hero, but I can't do this whole mission alone, so I chose you guys to help me. What I mean by that is help me expose the killers, who are the bullies at this school, along with defeating five monsters to save those five victims, including one named Cosmo, who died from a sacrifice she pulled. 

Both Pico and Marine absorbed all the information as Pump waited for a response from either of them.

Marine: Wow! You must be desperate enough to ask us for help while I already have a lot of work to do with Team Heroes. Not to mention already being busy with school. I won't be able to do that with the world in danger, so sure! I can help you, though we must sat a time and day to expose those bullies and stop those monsters!

Pico: It sounds dangerous, but I live for danger, and my father is literally captain of an army! So this will be no problem for me!

Pikachu: Pik, pika pika! [Yay, adventure!]

Marine: So what do we do first? We have school.

Pump: We'll figure something out eventually. [As Pump, Pico, and Marine went inside the school, the five bullies were watching them while smirking]

Roy: Those are the heroes that are gonna expose us? Hah! Is this some kind of joke?

Fiona: Oh Marine, you picked the wrong teams to join. Our team is way better than Team Heroes and Pump's stupid little team.

Felicia: Should we do something to keep them all at bay?

Anaya: Don't worry, you guys. I have Daddy Dearest, Whitty, and Ruv under control, and Tankman and his army might just be next. And soon enough, Mommy Mearest, Carol, and Sarvente. Plus, it's five against three.

Lightning Dust: Yeah. They don't stand a chance against us!

The bullies laughed evilly, unaware that underestimating the new heroes would be their downfall and three of the co-bullies would leave them.

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Spooky Month belongs to Sr Pelo

FNF belongs to NinjaMuffin and Newgrounds

The Krew belongs to ItsFunneh

Karens belongs to me

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix and Disney.

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