Blamed and Accused

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While Boyfriend was looking for evidence over the five deaths, Pump was taken over to the Police Station for "burning" his house down, even though it was actually his mom, Karen. And to make things worse, the police officer had Karen come as well.

Male Police Officer: [Angry] You are in so much trouble, kid!!! I can't tell you how pissed off I am right now!!! [The Female Police Officer was too upset. She even tried denying that it was Pump who did it]

Pump: [On the verge of tears] B-b-but o-o-officer...!

Male Police Officer: [Outraged] No buts, kid!!! What you did is unexcusable, so stop saying that you didn't do it!!! [He then pulled out the plan paper Karen brought him] Recognize this?

Pump: [He was shocked. The plan was written in his handwriting, but he didn't write it. The Female Police Officer was shocked and Karen recognized the handwriting right away] No! That's not mine! I swear!

Female Police Officer: [Shocked] I can't believe this!!!

Male Police Officer: [Angry] Is this your handwriting? [Pump nodded] Then it's yours!

Pump: [Scared] No!!! Please!!! I didn't do it!!! I...

Male Police Officer: [Angry] No more lies, kid! Karen saw you with this! If it wasn't for her, you would've gotten away with this!

Karen: [Pretending like Pump betrayed her] I hate to say it, but that is indeed my son's handwriting. [She turns towards Pump] How could you, son?! How could you do this horrible crime?!

Pump: [Trying to tell everyone that he didn't do anything wrong] For the last time, I didn't...

Male Police Officer: Enough lies!!! I've had it!!! I'm afraid that you are not gonna be able to get away with this!!! Now I'm gonna let Karen decide what she wants to do with you!!!

Pump: [Eyes widen in horror] NO!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!! I'M INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!! [Turns towards the Female Police Officer] You believe me, right, Miss? 

Female Police Officer: [Was now mad at Pump] Sorry, kid! I'm on my partner's side! What you did was unexcusable! I wish I could believe you, but your plan chart and the lighter that was in your pocket says otherwise! [Pump was on the verge of tears. Both the Police Officers didn't believe him and now he was being unfairly punished for it]

Male Police Officer: Now while my decision is final, your mother's good deeds as a city cleaner are the only reason why we're not sending you to jail and why I won't put this on your criminal record. Now please get outta my site before I change my mind!

Pump: [Sadly agreed and turned to leave, but not before he heard his mother's voice]

Karen: [Giving Pump a dark glare] You better head straight home, young man! Nowhere else but home, or else! Now go home and wait for me on the porch!

Pump: [Started tearing up like there was no tomorrow. This was the worst day ever for him. First, he almost died in a fire, then he got blamed for starting it. This can't be real, but it was. He quickly ran past every police officer that were glaring at him as he ran out of the Police Station before sobbing uncontrollably outside] WHY?!!!!!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!!!!!!! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!!!!!!!

As Pump left, he didn't see Boyfriend watching him with concern. Meanwhile, Karen was outside of the Police Station with an evil smirk on her face.

Karen: [Evilly] Finally, I took care of him. What I'll do to him will be so satisfying.

As Karen laughed evilly, Pump kept running until he reached Spooky Street, where he began to sing.

Pump: [Singing] Blamed and accused.
Blamed and accused.

Why do I suffer from this unfair action?
Why must I be the culprit even though I'm not?

Blamed and accused.
Blamed and accused.

Being punished for a crime I didn't commit is so unfair.
Oh why do I have to suffer like this?

Blamed and accused.
Blamed and accused.

Now the police don't trust me anymore
And now I fear no one will trust me.

Blamed and accused.
Blamed and accused.

Even my own mother turned her back on me for nearly getting her killed.

Oh why doesn't anyone believe my innocence?
Why, god why?

Blamed and accused.
Blamed and accused.
Blamed and accused.
Blamed and accused!!!!!

After he finished the song, Pump sadly kept running towards his house, unaware that a blue-haired girl heard his song.

Miku: [Feeling smpathy for Pump] Wow. Poor kid. It's sounds like he just suffered from a horriblefate. I wish I could cheer him up now, but I need to get back to the house. Keith might be waiting for me. [Sees someone] Huh?

FNF belongs to NinjaMuffin and Newgrounds

Spooky Month belongs to Sr Pelo

Karen belongs to me

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