The Beginning

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Picture above is not mine.

The story begins in a small and quiet street called Spooky Street, where everyone is nice to one another and treated each other with respect. You may know the two kids that are well known around Spooky Street. One of the kid's names was Skid, who was the son of a purple haired women named Lila. He was a six year old kid who usually wore a skeleton cosplay. He was also best friends with the other kid, Pump. He was a year older than Skid (Which made him seven years old) and he also wore a pumpkin cosplay. Together, these two were inseperatable. They both loved Halloween so much that they even nicknamed it The Spooky Month and they also made up a dance for it called The Spooky Dance.

Unfortunetly, The Spooky Boys were no more ever sense Skid died by being hung. However, Skid would be revived by Pump, who was also the son of his abusive mother, Karen. [I named her Karen for specific reasons, XD] But when school starts up again, not only will he make three new friends and save five innocent vitcims from their bullies, but they would also stop five villains and then revive the other victims and save the world.

Pump: [I was walking home from the grocery store, hoping that my mom wouldn't be too mad about me being out for too long. Luckly, when I got home, my mom didn't seem to pay attention to me. Instead, she was talking to someone on her phone] Hey mum, I'm home. Sorry I was out longer than usual. [My mom turned towards me with an annoyed look on her face]

Karen: [Annoyed] yeah, yeah, whatever. Just go put the groceries away.

Pump: Who was on the phone, mum? What were you guys talking about?

Karen: [Nervous] Uh, nothing. I was just talking to a friend of mine. He's just trying to help me find a new job.

Pump: Well what's wrong with your current job?

Karen: Nothing. I just feel like a change would be better for both of us.

Pump: Oh, okay. Well I hope you find a new job soon, mum.

Karen: [Fake sadness] I don't know if I'll ever find a new job, sweetie. I think I'm gonna be stuck being a city cleaner forever. Mabye I should just give up.

Pump: You can't give up, mum! No matter what happens, we'll be in this together! If you have to stay a cleaner, I'll help you as much as I can!

Karen: [Fake happiness] Thank you, sweetie. I'm glad I can count on you. [Thinking: I don't even want you anymore. I'm planning on selling you and getting more money and keeping it for myself]

Pump: [Unaware of his mom's evil plan] Great! I'll go put the groceries away now. Just call me if you need help with anything, alright mum? [His mom nods her head, but as soon Pump left to go and put away the groceries, she evilly called up her "friend" to talk to him about the plan]

Karen: [On the phone] I can't take care of this kid anymore, Stan. He's annoying, obnoxious and stupid. Looks like it's time to go through with the plan.

Stan: [On the phone] Excellent, just be sure to call me later and we'll go over the plan. And remember, you can't tell Pump about any of this.

Once the call had ended, Karen went to the living room to watch some TV, with nothing but evil thoughts in her head.

But little did she know, not only will this temporarely destroy Pump's life, but this would also destroy her life even more, and Pump might lose the last thing he loved, but he will also make some new friends when school starts again.

Spooky Month belongs to Sr Pelo.

Karen belongs to me.

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