Sarvente's Suspicions

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Sarvente was in the church, thinking about something. It was about Ruv and Ayana's relationship. Is Ruv cheating on her?

Rasazy: [Enters the room] Hey mom, are you okay?

Sarvente: Yeah. I'm just surprised that Ruv is starting to treat Ayana like she's part of our family. I mean, I'm fine with them hanging out, but I kinda feel like they're up to something. I can still remember the day when Ruv first introduced me to Ayana.


Sarvente was cleaning up the church, waiting for Ruv to get back from the store. Selever was at school and Rasazy was reading a book in her room, so Sarv had no one to bother her. As Sarv was still cleaning, she heard someone walking to the door. She knew that Ruv was home, which got her excited. As Sarv went to go open the door, she saw Ruv walk in with another girl. At first, Sarvente thought she was just dreaming, but then soon realized that everything was real!

Ruv: Thanks for agreeing to walk me back to the church, Ayana. Usually I walk home with Sarv, but she decided to stay here and clean up a bit.

Ayana: Don't worry about it, Ruv! It was the nice thing to do! [She kissed Ruv on the cheek as Sarvente watched, with a mix of confusion, rage, and jealousy boiling up in her. She was desperate to find out what was going on]

Sarvente: [Clears her throat, getting Ruv and Ayana's attention] Hi Ruv! I was about to open the door for you, but I see you were able to do that yourself, but may I ask you and your new friend here one simple question? [Yelling] WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING TOGETHER?!!!!! [Calms down a bit] Care to explain?!

Ruv: Oh, Sarv! I wanted to introduce you to Ayana earlier, but I couldn't find the time to do so. This is Ayana. [Ayana waved at Sarv, but the nun just glared at her before turning her head away] Don't be jealous, Sarv. I honestly should've told you about Ayana earlier. And I just wanna let you know that there is nothing between us.

Sarvente: Well in that case, I'm glad you were able to make a new friend, Ruv! [To her, something still seemed off. She caught a glimspe of Ruv glowing red for a split second, though Sarvente shook that sight off] What were you two doing together?

Ayana: Uh, sorry Sarv, but we prefer to keep it a secret. I promise we'll tell you soon, though!

Sarvente: Okay. I guess I can't wait. Well, I'm gonna get back to cleaning the church. [As she continued cleaning, Ayana waved goodbye to Ruv before leaving]

End of Flashback...

After thinking about Ruv and Ayana, there were still some things that made Sarvente feel suspicious.

Sarvente: I'm happy that Ruv made a new friend, but why do I feel suspicious about everything. I mean, he and Ayana never told me what they were doing together, but what in the name of God could they have been doing? I don't want to get involved with any of this, but I must find out, as something still doesn't sound right. I need to know about this. [She sighed as she made her decision] I'm sorry, you two, but I need to know what's really going on, and I will find out what it is!

Unaware to Sarv, Ruv and Ayana were spying on her. Ayana became very nervous over her planning on investigatingwhat was really going on.

Ayana: [Worried] Oh no, we can't let Sarv ruin everything! If she does, I'll definetly go to jail!

Ruv: We've got to stop her! Even if it means we have to kill her! [Ayana and Ruv laughed evilly, unaware that Ayana's actions would only ruin her life and that Ruv would soon be saved by Pump]

FNF belongs to NinjaMuffin and Newgrounds

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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