Meeting The Co-Bullies

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The 6th class had just ended, and the students were given a fifthteen minute break before they went to their final classes, and Team Heroes were spending that break talking to each other.

Tails: Alright. So, what should we do now?

Amy: We still need to find out how Sonic died.

Blaze: But his death has already been proven to be a suicide, Amy.

Marine: Yeah. Why do you think it could be something else?

Amy: Don't you think that it's a bit strange that Sonic just mysteriously drowned?

Knuckles: What do you mean?

Amy: What I'm saying is that what if Sonic's death was caused by murder and not by suicide.

Knuckles: I don't know, Amy, but if it was indeed a murder, we'll bring that murderer to justice and get them locked up.

Marine: And then we'll be able to avenge Sonic!

Tails: Yeah! [Him and Marine high five each other]

Amy: I bet that it was that bitch, Fiona Fox! She's evil and she has some sort of grudge against Sonic!

Blaze: [Puts a hand on Amy's shoulder] Let's not jump the gun yet, Amy. We still need to find out if this was a murder or not.

?????: Wow. I guess this makes you friends with a pathetic little hedgehog like Sonic. [Team Heroes turned around and were shocked to see the co-bullies standing nearby]

Blaze: How long were you guys there?

Scourge: [Evilly] We were here long enough to hear you talking shit about my sweet, lovely girlfriend!

Tails: [Angry] Sweet?! She's literaly one of the meanest students in the entire school!

Clover: [Smugly] She is sweet, fox freak! [Gets up in Tails' face] If I ever hear anyone saying that shit about my lovely Earnest Cunningham, I'll tear them to shreds! [She walks over to Earnest and clings onto him like the snake she is]

Amy: [Angry] Well I bet that you're just dating him because he has money!

Earnest: [To Brittney, Ross, and Robert] Say something to them!

Brittney: But I don't want to.

Earnest: You better! Or else... [Slides his finger across his neck, warning Brittney]

Brittney: [Reluctantly does what Earnest told her to do] And what's wrong with that, huh?!

Knuckles: [Angry] It's called being a gold digger!

Earnest: [Smugly] May I remind you guys that I'm the heir to my family's company?! I'll be king before you know it, echidna!

Blaze: [Angry] Well I bet that you're only dating Clover because she's the only girl in this entire world who would actually make out with you!

Earnest: [Evilly] Well at least I'm dating the hottest girl in school!

Clover: [Plays with Earnest's hair] Thanks, honey.

Marine: [Angry] Well Sonic's our best friend, and we're gonna avenge his death!

Clover: [Smugly] And why do you guys think you're so smart?! Even if Fiona did kill Sonic, you wouldn't have any proof to back it up!

Blaze: [Angry] Well at least we're smarter than you guys will ever be!

Scourge: [Smugly] You guys are just jealous that we're stronger and more popular than you'll ever be!

Knuckles: [Angry] The only reason you guys are popular is because you scare people into siding with you guys! [The co-bullies (Specificly Earnest, Scourge, and Clover) then proceeded to mock Team Heroes even more]

Clover: [Smugly] It's called respect, losers!

Scourge: My girlfriend would set you guys straight if she wasn't busy today!

Clover: [Smugly] Yeah! You guys suck! S-U-C-K, suck! Suck! Suck! You losers should just dig your own graves and die!

Earnest: [Smugly] You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for ever being friends with an idiot like Sonic!

Clover: [Smugly] In short, we're better than you guys!

Earnest: [Smugly] And we'll make sure we get rid of you guys for good! [Team Heroes were outraged by them, and they decided to retaliate]

Amy: [Angry] You guys make us sick! Why would you support some low-life bullies?!

Tails: [Angry] Hearing people actually cheering you guys on is my nightmare!

Blaze: [Angry] You guys are the one's who should be digging your own graves!

Knuckles: [Angry] We can just expose how stupid you guys [Points at the Co-Bullies] really are!

Amy: [Angry] No need to worry about us, because it's yourselves that you should worry about!

Tails: [Angry] Yeah! We're the true heroes trying to stop the actual villains here!

Blaze: [Angry] And we want to make sure you guys see the error of your ways before it's too late!

Marine: [Angry] Just because you guys are friends with bullies doesn't mean that you have to act like bullies yourselves!

In no time, both sides (Besides Brittney, Ross, and Robert) were arguing with one another. It was so loud that it was impossible to make out what they were saying to each other. But before any real fighting could happen, Kat and Crystal showed up in the middle.

Kat: STOP!!! [This actually caused the two sides to stop arguing]

Crystal: Now, we don't know or care about who started this fight, but we're finishing it!

Kat: We want you all to leave this area and stay away from each other! [Both sides nodded at them while still glaring at each other]

Crystal: If we hear any more fighting from you guys, we'll give you all detention! NOW LEAVE!!! [The two groups were taken back by the sudden shout, but wisely left, but not before Amy got up into Scourge's face]

Amy: [Angry] Just you wait! We will get proof about you guys murdering Sonic, and once we do, you all will be behind bars! [She then took her leave]

As the two groups left, Kat and Crystal sighed to themselves over their nonstop arguing.

Kat: I hope those two groups can learn how to get along someday.

Crystal: Hmm, We should go talk to Pump about what he wanted to tell us this morning. [The two cat girls left, but they were unaware that Pump himself would be the one to expose the bullies and show everyone how evil they truly were]

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Spooky Month belongs to Sr Pelo

The Krew belongs to ItsFunneh

Kat belongs to me

Crystal belongs to Ninjacatgirl59

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