We drove out the city and saw the most beautiful sun setting over the horizon that when the light hit Kai, it was a sight none other that can ever be captured. One, that I'll cherish even without a photograph.

We soon passed through an enormous gate to a long road to the biggest mansion I've ever seen. I gasp at the sight since I've never stepped foot into one.

"Woah... this place.. is huge.. and gorgeous" I breathed out as I adored of every design built on the building.

"Glad you think so, it's mine" Kai nonchalantly said that made my head quickly turn to him.

"Seriously?" I asked him, wide eyed from shock.

"Serious as how I feel about you Darling" Kai winked before getting out and opening the door for me.

I stood a bit behind him since I'm under the impression of that there would be alot of men because after all, kai did say this is a meeting. Most likely filled with men that's associated with the great Yakuza leader.

We walked in seeing; high ceilings, fancy chandeliers and artworks that dated many years ago. Probably stolen. We walked into a room, most likely the meeting room. It had a huge round table, front and center. Men were already sitting there but... women as well.

Huh.. never really expected women to be associated with the Yakuza. Eh, I guess women can too be villains. Kinda hot thinking about it now.

I stole a couple glances from the women since they were drop dead gorgeous and are considered villains, they're even hotter.

Fucks the matter with me? Am I really in love with red signs and toxicity?

We sat down as the meeting began and I genuinely found it interesting, it talked about various illegal uses of drugs, quirk-remover bullets, moving illegal malicious weapons and so forth. Once the meeting ended, I needed to use the bathroom since I drank a bit of wine that was handed out throughout the meeting.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I fixed myself up a bit while hearing the door opening, revealing one of the women coming in. Instinctively I smiled at her to be polite.

"Hi sweetheart" her voice spoke with much sultry.

"Hi, nice to meet you" I politely said as I then picked my purse together.

"Listen, sweetheart; are you Overhaul's assistant or something?" She asked and I've finally noticed, Her eyes were a pastel purple.

"I'm his girlfriend" I said proudly once I picked off the weird energy radiating off of her. Her expression shifted as a surprise.

"Oh... wow.. well, congratulations" her tone had a hint of sarcasm in it.

"Hmm" I said mockingly as I smiled before making my way out and down the hallways to the meeting room. Just before I did, the group of women, whom I assume is the leader came up to me.

"So I hear Chisaki's girl aren't you?" She spoke as if it were knives.

"It's Overhaul, to you. But yes I am. Why does it concern you?" I crossed my arms.

"Oh nothing, nothing just... a little heads up Sweetheart, him and I had a little thing once" she said, a bit too smugly for my likely. I scoffed as I shook my head.

"Hmm, well I'm not worried if it was a one time thing. Especially when every inch of my body has been in my mans mouth, actually just this very early morning it happened" I grinned just to piss her off and it worked as I walked by her and feeling the jealousy radiating off of her.

Once I met up with Kai and just right on cue, the women came in when Kai wrapped his arm behind my back and laid his hand on my hip, then kissed my neck in front of everyone that shocked all of us. But yet, I enjoyed it since I knew the women were watching. The meeting ended awhile ago but everyone stayed to accommodate one another of business deals and with Kai's business, it was booming. Throughout the time, kai hadn't removed his hand off of me, not even for a second. As if it were I'm going to disappear but then again I am dressed a bit promiscuous in a room filled with men and with how possessive Kai is, I shouldn't be surprised.

After hours of staying here, we finally head back to the cars but of course the women came in wanting to say something from the expressions on their faces as they walked towards us.

"Chisaki! Wait up!" The leader of the women called out and Kai lazily turned around.

"It's Overhaul, to you and everyone else. Know your place Komo" Kai said in a boring tone.

I looked down at my feet as I tried to hide my grin from how Kai put Komo into her place.

"Tch, fine fine. Listen, I have a huge opportunity for you that I highly doubt you'll pass up; I'll give you a couple million dollars BUT- we have to get back together" Komo said so casual as the air grew silent.

"No. I have a girlfriend already and we're leaving" Kai said as he grabbed my wrist and pulling us out the mansion as quickly as possible.

As we settled ourselves in the car, it was unbearable silent when the question is bugging me over and over.

"Kai...?" I broke through the tension in the air.

"Yes darling?" He asked sweetly.

"Why'd you give up on that much of money? I mean... it would have been a great benefit for- with whatever you're doing" I stated as Kai rubbed my thigh in a reassuring way.

"Because darling, it's you. I'll always choose you over anything" I hear him chuckle lightly as my chest fluttered.

"Seriously?" I looked at intently while he stripped off his mask and looked into my eyes as his lips formed a sweet smile.

"Nothing in this world can offer me what you've already given me, that is only given once of a life time and that is; simply just you. For that, I plan on giving you everything you desire my Darling" He spoke in a way that made me fallen for him, more deeply than I already am in.

"I only want you, Kai" i smiled at him with heated cheeks.

"I love you too Miss L/n" Kai smirks.




Credits to the artist: onegingek
On twitter.

Just wanted to clarify, this story is somewhat loosely related to the story line of MHA. (I do not own the show whatsoever)

Furthermore, I plan on ending this story around the 50-ish/60th chapter since I want to do another fanfic story I've been planning on.

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