19: Heejin's Parents

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Saturday, Day after their Exams

Heejin, waking up early as usual, received a call from her parents that they will be visiting her tomorrow, and would like to invite Y/N for dinner with them, Heejin's parents treats Y/N like their own son and they're just fine with him being around with Heejin all the time. Because he already earned their trust, it's not something that you can easily get especially from Heejin's protective parents, since she's their only daughter.

They called Heejin before they get on the plane going to South Korea, her parents must be excited to see what their only child is doing, living independently. And to see their "Son" too of course.

After ending the call, Heejin rushed into Y/N's place.


*ding dong* "Y/N, are you awake?" Heejin called, pressing his doorbell repeatedly.

"Ugh, it's too early....I want to sleep more" Y/N covered his ears with his pillow, trying to drift to sleep once again.

"Hmm, guess I'll just enter then" Heejin entered his passcode and barged inside, heading straight to Y/N's room then opened his door just to see him sleeping peacefully with his pillow in his head, covering his ears.

"Hey, I know your awake at this hour" Heejin poked Y/N, but he tried to not notice her.

"My parents are visiting tomorrow, they want you to join us for dinner" Heejin said, sitting on his bed and looking around his room.

"Why would I join? It's a family meeting" Y/N said, removing the pillow on his ear and started listening to Heejin. Of course he can't ignore Heejin, especially when she barged inside his room like that.

"Just send my regards to Uncle and Auntie " He lazily said

"Are you kidding me? You're like their own Son too, of course you should be there. We've been friends since we were kids, for good times sake" Heejin rolled her eyes
"I know, let's invite Yerim here today, and Jihoon and Chaewon also"

"Not a bad idea, since we're all bored today" Y/N stood up and fixed his bed, then went to the washroom as soon as Heejin went to the living room, giving him some privacy.


Few hours later, Jihoon, Yerim and Chaewon arrived at their apartment, it looks like the three of them met up with each other since the they arrived together.

"Jihoon, good thing you managed to come with them" Y/N welcomed him as he entered inside, since he didn't join them on their last get together.

"Yeah, Me and Yerim already finished our report, so we have the whole weekend"

While all of them are talking with each other, Chaewon went straight to the kitchen looking for snacks to eat, since Y/N has a lot but he rarely eats them. Why? Because he purposefully leaves his snacks on a place where Heejin can see it so she can eat them.

"It must be around....." Chaewon opened the cabinet below the kitchen sink, "Here it is"
Chaewon felt victorious after she grabbed a bag of potato chips, "Huh? This is Heejin's favorite" Chaewon told herself as she look at its contents, "And Y/N's not eating this type of chips so why is it here then?" It looks like someone will discover Y/N's secret.


It all started about a year ago when Y/N ordered a potato chip online since he's busy studying his lessons but the shop gave him a wrong brand, he ordered Cheetos but the worker packed Lay's instead so that's the chips delivered to him.

Being lazy, he didn't bother to return it but instead, he gave it to Heejin who's busy curling her hair, since it's Heejin's favorite, she accepted it immediately and every time she visits his place, the first thing she'll look for are bag of Lay's that's surely hidden somewhere in his apartment.

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