18: Exams

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Since Ken drove his motorcycle as fast as he could, the two of them arrived at Jihoon's house in less than an hour, considering that taking the bus usually takes them 2 to 3 hours since there are bus stops everywhere, they arrived pretty fast.

So to break the silence since Jihoon looks like he forgot to get his house key from Chaewon since he gave it to her when they left their house earlier morning, Ken decided to speak.

"Jihoon-ssi, can we talk for a while since your sister's not yet here?" Ken removed his helmet and took his keys out.

Jihoon looked annoyed "What?"

"Sheesh, is that how you treat your friend?" Ken said "I hope you will stay by Lucy's side even if I'm not here anymore"

Jihoon looks confused "What's that? Are you dying?"

"Haha, nope, all I want to say is may the best man win.... Bye" then Ken started his bike and drove away.

"Hmph, May the best man win you say? It's not a challenge I will give up easily" Jihoon grinned as he take a seat outside their gate.

"Ughh, I should've got a duplicate key"


"Yerim, do you think those two are fine?" Chaewon asked, worrying about Jihoon.

"I'm sure they're fine, I want them to be good friends, not enemies" Yerim answered,while yawning every minute, drowsiness visible on her face but she just tries to fight it off.

Chaewon knew that the next stop is where she's suppose to get off but the other side of her is worried about Yerim, she's still seven stops away and what if she accidentally slept?

While Chaewon's thinking, Yerim already fell asleep on her shoulder, like a little kid.

A smile formed on Chaewon's lips, admiring her cuteness, then she brushed Yerim's hair with her fingers to make her sleep more comfortably, but Chaewon doesn't know that her brother doesn't have his keys and that she's holding it, so she didn't get of the bus until they reach the last stop.

"Yerim, wake up" Chaewon shook her gently, with just enough force to wake her up.

"Mm...unnie? Oh! I'm sorry I slept" Yerim quickly stood up and the two of them got off the bus.

"Don't worry about me Yerim, where's your place? Should I walk you there?" Chaewon offered since she's still worried about her, it's evening and she's alone.

"Do you see that house over there?" Yerim pointed at the house maybe about 100 meters where they're standing. "Yes" Chaewon answered.

"That's where I live so there's no need, you really didn't got off until the last stop, Thank you so much...Unnie" Yerim smiled, making Chaewon's mood brighten too.

"Okay then, take care Yerim, my brother must've been waiting for me at home too" Chaewon reached for her phone at her bag to call Jihoon but a bunch of keys fell at the floor as soon as she got her phone.

"Darn it!" Chaewon almost cursed, remembering that Jihoon lost his keys and she's the only one who has a spare.

"Why, is there a problem?" Yerim asked, picking the keys for her.

"Uh, No... Not at all, Bye Yerim and, Goodnight" then Chaewon started running to the bus stop.

"Bye Unnie" Yerim waved her hand and waited until Chaewon is out of sight.

Well, Yerim lied about her house, she still has to walk for 30 minutes before she reach her home, Yerim just don't want to bother Chaewon since she also has to get home.


"Oppa, are you still outside" Chaewon asked as soon as Jihoon answered his phone.

"Ch- Chaewon-ah...... I'm freezing, where are you?" Jihoon stuttered as he speak, he's already outside for an hour.

"I'm on my way" Chaewon turned her phone off and got in the bus.

"Aish, my clumsy brother"


"Oppa, are you alright? No you're cold" Chaewon checked on Jihoon who's sitting in front of the door.

Chaewon immediately opened the door and went inside with Jihoon.

For reader's information let's say the temperature is 17 degrees.

"Goodness Chaewon, you finally arrived" Jihoon sneezed as he got inside

"Sorry, things happened"


"It's been a month already" Y/N took a deep breath as he told Heejin.

"It looks like your disappointed, something's wrong?" Heejin asked, who's walking beside Y/N.

"It's just, Time flies so fast until we reach our last semester and graduates, then all of us, including our friends will surely go on different ways"

"You're being dramatic Y/N" Heejin hit his shoulder, "Of course I don't want this year to end too but it will surely happen one day so let's just enjoy it, don't you agree?"

Somehow, hearing those words gave Y/N a fluttering feeling, maybe because everything Heejin says to him makes him happy or maybe, another feeling is starting to grow inside him, who knows?


"Goodnight" both Y/N and Heejin bid goodbye to each other before entering their apartment.


To kill off some time, Y/N reviewed some of their lessons for their exam tomorrow, not because he's the top student means that he won't be studying the night before the exams.

- Exam day -

"I'm nervous", Yerim said as their teacher starts to give the tests to each one of them.

"Don't worry, you've studied enough last night, I'm sure it will be enough for today" Jihoon comforted Yerim, but sneezes right after.

"What's that? You caught a cold?" Yerim worriedly asked as Jihoon's nose started turning red.

"That's because of Chaewon" Jihoon mumbled, good thing Yerim didn't hear it or else she will feel bad since Yerim doesn't know that Jihoon lost his keys and waited for Chaewon for hours.

"Hmm? What's with Chaewon unnie?"
So Yerim heard it after all.

Jihoon lied: "Chaewon stole my blanket last night" he said, hoping that Yerim will buy his lie.

"Oh I see, hahaha, it must've been fun having a sibling" Yerim giggled, completely believing Jihoon so it made him feel relieved.

"Quiet down Park and Choi" their teacher scolded them.

"Sorry Ma'am" both of them apologized.

After all of them got their tests, their teacher told them to start answering,
This day was a stressful day for most of the students.

- Chaewon and Ken's class -

"Okay everyone, let's not cheat okay? I have surveillance cameras everywhere" Mr. Kang joked as he went back to his seat.

"Chaewon" Ken called her quietly, "What?" Chaewon looked at him.

"Fighting, you can do it" Ken cheered Chaewon up making her smile to her ears.


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