6: Mysterious Transfer Student

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Chaewon's POV

Ughh, I hate this...I really hate this, being separated from my friends, now I'm just on my own for the rest of the school year.

I rest my head at the table as I took a deep sigh, then someone poked me on my shoulder making me turn my head on the its direction.

"Uhm..... I sat here first" A girl said, looking at me innocently and when I looked at my side, there is a bag already here and I didn't noticed it.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know" I said as I stood up, I looked around the classroom but there is no other seats beside the window which is my favorite spot, damn... Why are my classmates so early?

I peacefully got my bag and stood up but the girl stopped me.

"It looks like you also love sitting beside the window, you can sit there instead" the girl said, smiling as she grabbed her bag on my side and placed it on her desk as she sat beside me.

"I'm Hyejoo, Son Hyejoo... You won't mind me sitting beside you right?" She said as she smiles at me brightly and offered her hand as a handshake.

She's so pretty, I don't know but I think she's mad if I'm looking at her face but I think it's just her makeup.
Her eyebrows were slightly curved and her stare is comparable to a Wolf.
It can pierce through your whole system.

"Park..... Chaewon" I stuttered, as I held her hand and shaked it. And she started talking. She's a new student, It looks like no one wants to be friends with her since they thought she's mad or something.

"As you know Chaewon, I'm new here and, It's kinda hard to find new friends and also, I look mad right? But it's not really, my eyebrows are just like this"

So that's the reason, she looks kind though, but I guess making new friends won't hurt me, but one thing is for sure, that they will someday forget me. *Sigh*

"It's fine Hyejoo, if you have any problems, don't hesitate to tell me okay?" I told her while carressing her back, it's like telling her everything will be fine for her.

Hyejoo smile "Thank you"

It looks like my school year won't be boring at all.


It's lunch time already, and maybe it would be good to invite Hyejoo to eat at the canteen since she's also not familiar to the school.

"Hyejoo, let's eat together" I said, getting my phone and wallet from my bag, she looks hesitant for a second but she stood up and followed me.

And Jihoon's class has a one hour difference between our lunch breaks since the canteen will be crowded if all classes had the same lunch time break.

"Chaewon, I think someone is following me since this morning" Hyejoo said uncomfortably, looking around her but when I looked back, there's no one who seems to follow her, maybe she's daydreaming?

"Don't worry, I'll protect you" I joked.

After getting our meal, the place is very crowded thay we decided to go back to the classroom and eat our foods there, it's more convenient.

We had a nice talk while waiting for the next subject.


It's dismissal time and everyone is already leaving the classroom.

"Chaewon, I had a fun day thanks to you" Hyejoo said, as she fixed her things and is getting ready to leave.

"Wait" I said, grabbing my bag and going beside her, "Let's go outside together"

As the two of us walk at the hallway, I saw my other friends coming out of the classroom.

"They're my friends" I told Hyejoo as she nods. She completely changes if there are other people around compare to when there are only the two of us.

"Oh, you must be Chaewon" Yerim approached us and hugged me tightly, gosh, I guess she thinks of me as a stuff toy. Then she looked at Hyejoo.

Yerim asked her "Hello, and you are?"

Hyejoo shyly answered "Son Hyejoo"
And Yerim hugged her too after she lets go of me, finally I can breathe.

"I'm Yerim, nice to know you, and these are my other friends" Yerim smiled as she told them to introduce themselves.

'She's an Extrovert, I wish I'm like that' Hyejoo taught.

"Hi, I'm Heejin, the prettiest one"

"Song Y/N, Glad to meet you"

"I'm Jihoon, Chaewon's twin brother, I hope we get along well"

"Hello, it's nice to meet all of you" Hyejoo bowed as they did earlier.

"There's no need to be polite between us hahaha" YN said.

"If we have some free time, let's hang out together sometime" Chaewon told Hyejoo.

Hyejoo answered "Sure, I guess everyone of us is busy since it is our last year of high school"

"Hyejoo, so you're here, I've been waiting at the gate since earlier" A man supposedly around their age wearing another school uniform cuts in their conversation and grabbed Hyejoo's hand causing her to stumble a bit.

"Uhm, if you would excuse us please" the man said.

"Uh, sure" Yerim replied, stepping aside but Chaewon looks worried and something is bugging her.

Then Hyejoo mouthed a "I'm fine" at Chaewon as she followed the man who's holding her hand.

"Our mother is waiting" he said and everyone heard it.

"I think it's her brother" Heejin said.

"That Hyejoo girl looks like she can kill but when I talked to her, she seems like a warm and kind person" Yerim said as all of them walk together.

"Let's go home now, we're going to prepare a welcome party for Yerim, leave the cooking to me" YN proudly said.

"Sure, it's been a long time" Yerim replied excitedly.

"How about you, Chaewon and Jihoon?" Heejin asked as they're about to go to the opposite direction.

"Well, maybe next time, I'm sorry, we got a lot to do" Chaewon said sadly. But it's fine since they have a lot of things to finish.

"See ya"

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