5: Start

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Its the start of their Senior High school days, and also their last year.

5:00 am

*Doorbell Rings* "Who is it?" Heejin asked, not bothering to take a look at the screen of her Intercom.

"YN, wanna have breakfast with me? I cooked omelette" Heejin immediately unlocked the door, seeing YN in his school uniform already.

"Oh we're both early" Heejin said, since she is already wearing her uniform even though the classes will start at 7 am.

"Good timing, I'm craving omelette too" Heejin grabbed her bag and entered YN's room, going straight to the table as it's already set up for two people.

"It's a surprise your early" YN said, sitting in front of Heejin as he scoops some rice on a bowl and gave it to her.

Heejin happily grabbed the bowl of rice, "I'm excited, that's all"

"YN, I think you're not on your usual self after I went home with Bomin that night, do you want to tell me something?" Heejin asked out of the blue, catching YN off guard as he choke om his food.

*Cough* "What, me? I'm not acting strange" He defended.

"Okay, it's just my observation over the last five days but, nevermind then, But if you want to tell me, you can say so anytime" Heejin smiled, before she continue eating.

YN went to the couch after eating since Heejin offered to wash the dishes, he's glad to invite her to eat over, and it's also one of the reasons
He invited her, so she will wash the dishes.

"Let's watch something for a while"
Heejin said, sitting beside YN at the couch after she finished washing the plates.

YN reached for the remote and opened the channel to Mcountdown
Watching some lice performances to waste their time.

After being quiet for a while YN finally talked "Will Bomin pick you up later?"

Heejin looked at him weirdly, "Why would he?"

YN answered "I saw you that night hugging him"

"Ahhhh, so that's why you're so quiet, I see, I see" Heejin teased. "He confessed" She continued.

'So that's what happened' YN thought.

"And I thanked him for liking me and I told him that he will find the girl who's right for him someday, then I hugged him as a farewell since he's going abroad and we won't know whem he will get back, he's also a friend ya know?" Heejin explained, YN's expression changed and it already brightened up.

"Hahaha, so what are you thinking all
along, that we're lovers?" Heejin laughed.

'Its been a long time since Heejin laughed this hard, its good to see' YN thought.

"I didn't say anything" YN calmly said, but Heejin won't just stop laughing.

'But that's what I want to ask you all along'

YN stood up "Let's go now, we might be late"

"And I already have you by my side" Heejin gently said, giving YN butterflies in his stomach.

'Don't smile, Don't smile' YN pinched his skin as hard as he could so Heejin won't see him smiling or else she will tease him again.

"Let's go together" Heejin clutched her arm on YN's elbow as they both walked to the bus stop.

"Heejin, I think you should remove your arm" YN said as Heejin removed it since there are many people and they might misunderstood it, its not that they care about what other's think though.

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