Undone | 8

225 10 35

sparky [:

Schlatt was sitting on his couch, Quackity beside him. Harrow was playing on the tv, it was mostly used as background noise for the two as they did their own thing.

Quackity was texting someone, his expression suggested he was texting Sapnap. Which, as much as Schlatt hated, he couldn't do much about. Quackity was going to see him at work anyways.

Schlatt was playing Subway Surfer on his shitty iPhone.

"Sapnap says there is gonna be a party at one of his friends house, you in?" Quackity announced, raising his head to his friend who was trying to not get hit by a train. "Uh." He swiped his finger across the screen, barely missing the wall. "Sure. I'm up for a party. Who else is coming?"

"Sapnap says Molly will be there—" Quackity started, getting interrupted by his ram counterpart. "Of fucking course she will be there! That bitch- SHIT-!" Schlatt complained, hitting the side of a train and slowing down enough for the police man and his dog to be seen behind him.

"You didn't let me finish. Wilbur will be there too," Quackity added.

Schlatt remembered that Wilbur and Sapnap were apparently friends, according to a wrong number text from Wilbur. Maybe Wilbur and Sapnap were in a relationship. Then Quackity couldn't intervene because Schlatt didn't think Wilbur would be the one for sharing a partner.

"Okay," Schlatt said with a slight shrug, the best he could manage as he tried desperately to beat the last person to play Subway Surfers on his phone. (Which was Quackity, but Schlatt won't admit it because Quackity got a really good score.)

Quackity mumbled something in Spanish, going back to texting Sapnap.

"Alright," Quackity said after a bit of comfortable silence. "We'll go at eight. We have the rest of the day free, right? It's our day off?" The duck said that like his boyfriend wasn't kidnapped by a murderer.

"Uh, yeah," Schlatt answered, his brain trying to process what Quackity was saying but at the same time also trying not to hit a train, or a wall, or a post, or a bush. Subway Surfers sucks sometimes.

"I'ma go meet up with Gogy at his bar, I'll see you later." The duck got up from the armchair, giving Schlatt a little wave — that Schlatt could see from the corner of his eye — and went to go get ready for his meet up.

Schlatt continued to play Subway Surfers, because fuck reality, listening to an Australian show while playing a never ending free run game is better.

When Schlatt and Quackity pulled up to the modern mansion in Quackity's 2008 Honda Civic, it was nine at night. The two were an hour late, but that was Quackity's fault.

Pushing open the giant round grey door, Schlatt and Quackity were blasted with loud party music. People chattered loudly, silhouettes danced, shadows bounced of the walls unnaturally because of the colour changing LED lights placement was shit.

It smelled like alcohol and sex, not that Schlatt was complaining about either of those things.

"Quackity!" Sapnap ran up to Schlatt's best friend, slinging a arm around his shoulder and taking the duck away in a matter of seconds.

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