Polyamorous | 3

340 10 27

sparky?? again?? (:

shit was google translated so uh

Without Schlatt knowing, Quackity was in a relationship — or what others would call a relationship. — He knew something was missing, and he was trying desperately to find the missing link between he and his partner.

New York is a big, busy city, he was sure he could find something. However he did not, after months of searching. Quackity still tried his best with his partner, still went home to them every night, still cuddled in bed with them, still stole their clothes to make them blush.

If Schlatt found out that Quackity was going soft; all hell would rain down upon him, Schlatt would go all overprotective big brother mode on his ass. Quackity already had a thin thread with his partner, Schlatt's shitty instincts wasn't gonna do shit to help.

It was a park — a park that wasn't even in goddamn New York — a park in Seattle, he was even thinking of taking a trip down to Niagara Falls, that was close, right? He didn't care, he did, however, care when it started to downpour. The bench he was sitting in started to get soaked, the beige wood turned quickly into a darker shade of brown. His clothing was starting to get wet too, heavy, chilly raindrops pounded onto his shoulder, some sliding down his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

"Hey! Mister, are you okay? It's raining real bad."

Quackity lifted his gaze that was recently at his now wet boots to the tall man looking down at him. He had grey eyes, or at least, that's what they looked like, they were darker than the rain clouds that loomed over the two. His fluffy, brown hair was slightly wet at parts that he had accidentally moved the rainbow umbrella that he has over his head.

"Hm? Oh uh-" Quackity didn't even have time to finish talking before the man sat down on the wet bench beside him and shared the umbrella between them.

"I'm Karl!" He said, his smile was a means of comfort for the Mexican. "Quackity," he said, his chaotic self slowly coming back to him.

"What are you doing out in the rain, Quackity?" Karl asked, immediately getting distracted by Quackity's wings flicking  the rain off it's yellow feathers. "You're a hybrid! That's so cool!" he said, he started moving his hand closer to the duck before stopping. "Can I touch it?" he asked, his voice was softer. "Uh- you're just some stranger I met on the street, niño bonito."

"Oh." Karl looked down at his shoes. "What does that mean? Ne-no Bo-"

"Niño bonito?"

"Yeah, that!"

Quackity stared him, in a serious manner. (or perhaps that was his way of being humorous with this stranger.) "Pretty boy," he said, "it means 'pretty boy'."

"Oh! Uhm-" Karl's cheeks heated up, blush spreading to his cheeks. "You're very pretty yourself, Quackity!" He said, running his hand through his hair, probably as a nervous habit. Quackity caught sight of purple nail polish on Karl's fingers. "You paint you nails better than any chicks I fucked," Quackity stated, mostly as a joke, or maybe not.

"Didn't you just flirt with me a second ago?" the brunette wondered, confused. "Well- yeah. Of course I did, you're handsome, amor." Quackity didn't exactly know where his urge to flirt with this random boy he met was, but he wasn't stopping.

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