H@rd3r | 6

342 10 31

tw: mentions of r@pe

im upset about the techno situation so im sorry if this isnt the super cool writing you wanted.

Schlatt did not expect to be woken up at 2:12 in the morning by his best friend barging into his room either screaming or crying, he couldn't tell.

"SCHLATT! SCHLATT! HE CALLED - HE CALLED! WE NEED TO GET TO THE PRECINCT!" He yelled, grabbing Schlatt's arm and pulling him out of the bed, for a short kid he was strong. "Who called?" the ram asked groggily, rubbing his eyes with his free-hand, trying not to fall down the stairs as Quackity led him.

"Karl! He called!" Quackity replied, taking the car-keys off the kitchen counter. "Get your shoes on, I'm driving," he ordered.

"What do you mean Karl called? Isn't he — I dunno,  KIDNAPPED?" Schlatt said, putting on his old, ripped up and dirty converses.

"YEAH! BUT HE CALLED!" Quackity responded. "THAT DOESN'T SEEM POSSIBLE, EXPLAIN MORE, BITCH!" Schlatt yelled back, pulling open the door and locking it behind him once Quackity stepped out onto the porch. They raced to Quackity's Blue 2008 Honda Civic. They hopped into the car, both buckling up quickly as Quackity peeled way to fast for Schlatt's liking out of their driveway and down the busy New York roads.

"I dunno how! He just did! He answered the call," Quackity explained horribly, doing a few illegal turns to get to the precinct faster.

"As long as we find him and you stop bitching about him, fine," he said, shrugging.

Schlatt's gaze made it's way to Quackity's bandaged knuckles, which were now ripped up and bleeding. "What the fuck did you do to your hands? Again?" Schlatt wondered.

Quackity didn't answer, he kept his eyes on the road. Schlatt, knowing Quackity since before he could remember, could feel the guilt and shame, he knew Quackity so well that he could decipher body language to emotion.

"Just —" Schlatt sighed, pulling his hand through his fluffy brown hair, "don't do it again. I know you're stressed 'n shit but we're trying to stop a murderer, not killing ourselves."

Quackity's shoulder's relaxed, he mumbled something in Spanish.

The rest of the car-ride was relaxed, the duo shared a few jokes, it felt like they were teenagers again, pulling all-nighters while trying not to wake up either Quackity or Schlatt's parents.

Quackity pulled into the parking lot, finding a spot close to the doors to the building. He put his car in park and ripped the keys from the ignition. The two opened their doors and closed them behind them, hearing the click as the doors locked.

They ran up to the doors and opened them, running to the elevator and hitting the button until it went to their floor, and then once they got in, went to the floor their precinct was on.

"SKEPPY!" Quackity yelled once the elevator doors opened. Skeppy, who was on the other side of the room, raised his head, looking around. Once he spotted Quackity, his expression dropped. "What?" He asked, scribbling something down in the notebook that was opened on his desk.

"HE CALLED!" Quackity ran over to Skeppy's desk, almost knocking over Darryl. "Quackity! You muffin!" Darryl scolded, holding up two coffees in his hand, one for himself and one that was probably for the chief.

Schlatt, who was watching all of this from just outside the elevator, didn't notice that another person had clicked the elevator button from another floor and was now exiting the elevator on Schlatt's floor. Wow, this elevator was way to fast.

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