Play With Fire | 5

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Okay but fire is pretty as hell and you can't tell me otherwise, yes I'm a pyromaniac don't judge :) (no I don't set buildings on fire or anything-) Also I love this song so I'm glad to use it! :D ~ Shadow

I wrote this!! ~Shadow <3

Karl's POV

I wake up in a dark room filled with the mixed smell of ashes, gasoline, and burnt flesh I scrunch my nose up in disgust and my eyes tear up from the horrid smell. So many thoughts swarmed in my mind, where am I? Why me? Is Quackity okay? And the worst one of all... Am I gonna die..? I try and calm my breathing but it felt impossible. I don't want to die yet there's so much I haven't experienced like watching the sunset with the people I love.. But worst of all I didn't want Quackity to be all alone, I wanted to be with him to hear his calming breathing as he sleeps next to me again.. I should have never checked out the noise, there was nothing I could do anyways I didn't bring a weapon to help the person in trouble and now as the cost I am that person in trouble.

I hear footsteps and I hold my breathe, this is it.. this is the moment I die and I can't do anything about it. I hear the footsteps stop and I clench my eyes shut just knowing whoever else is here is right in front of me, it's over for me.. I'm sorry, I love you Quackity.. I wait and brace myself for what was about to happen but nothing does, I feel a hand grip my chin and pull my face up I open my eyes in surprise and I wish I hadn't.. I see a face, but how? The room is entirely dark.. I look off the the side and see the persons other hand is consumed in flames my eyes widen, what exactly is this..? I identify them as a male by the facial features.. They have dark brown eyes illuminated by the fire and a burn mark covering their right eye, it didn't look to be affecting him but it looks extremely painful.. he has a terrifying grin on his face, "Don't you just love the smell of Gasoline?" He asks and I don't respond. He pulls my chin up higher so I'm staring him dead in the eyes, "I asked you a question." He says staring me in the eyes, how can somebody so scary be so attractive? What?! Karl shut up! This guys insane! "No I hate the smell! Where the hell am I?!" I growl and he looks shocked his grin immediately leaving his face, "So you do speak!" He says grinning again then frowning, "Though not good words." His frown getting deeper and he releases his grip on my chin backing up, I glare at him, "Now I asked YOU a question and I'd like an answer." I say and he grins again, "Feisty! I like you." He says before turning around and walking away to who knows where.

"HEY! I asked you a question!" I yell into the darkness but receive no response except for the echo of footsteps. A few seconds later the lights flicker on and I see him standing on the opposite side of the what looks to be... warehouse..? He starts walking towards me again and stops in front of me, "Does that answer your question darling~?" He says with the same grin plastered on his face, my face turns a light shade of pink, "Shut up you psychotic bastard!" I yell to cover up the fact I was blushing, and to just be honest in general. He frowns again, "It's not very nice to call somebody that sweetheart." He says continuing to frown. "You killed that innocent lady! You are psychotic!" I yell again and his frown gets bigger. "I didn't kill her, I hm... what do you call it.. I just... took care of her body." He says his grin growing back on his face while he is probably remembering the scene in his head, the flames dancing on her body and how she turned out after his job was finished.. I shudder, how could somebody find that pretty, it's not normal.. "Trust me, I'm no killer. Just the disposer~" His grin returning completely back to his face, "Hell what am I saying, of course I kill! I'm just not the one who does it every time." He says looking down at me.

"Honestly I'm surprised you haven't passed out by now, or have you not realized?" He says with a shit eating grin. my eyes start scanning the room and they develop tears in them, in the corner was a pile of bodies so burnt up you couldn't even tell how they used to look. "Oh, now you finally noticed!" He says laughing crazily and I shiver the thoughts of death swarming back into my head, "So? What are you waiting for? Aren't you gonna kill me." I say staring up at him and a look of shock comes to his face, "Me? Kill you..? Of course not! Your way too pretty to burn up that'd be no fun~!" He says walking around me and leaning over the chair from behind me, "Plus, your fun to mess with~" He says and I can just feel his grin. "What even are you.." I ask and he looks at me confused, "Your.. your hand, the fire.." I say and he finally understands, "Eh, what can I say I've got secrets..." He leans down to my ear, "That I'd rather not share, love." He leans back up satisfied and walks in front of me kneeling down he takes something out of his pocket and sets it in front of me...

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