Edgar x Reader (I Call Dibs!) *Request*

Start from the beginning

Either way, deep down Edgar only knew only one thing: he wanted them all for himself. He was soon brought out of his thoughts when Colette patted him on the shoulder with a sleeved hand. "Alright! See you Monday!" She screeched as she turned to Edgar with a toothy grin.

"Time to head home! Are you up for some video games tonight?" She asked with great energy but Edger couldn't show as much enthusiasm. "Eh. Maybe some other night. Today was rough." He murmured with a tired yawn.

"Okie dokie then!" She chirped as she skipped down the side walk while Edgar followed behind. They talked among themselves as they traveled through the big city and slowly made their way back to their homes.

"-and I even added a new sticker to my collection!" Colette geeked out as Edgar huffed with a small smile. "Awesome. I knew you were looking for that one for a long time. I'm glad you finally got it." He murmured as his scarf patted her back. 

"Yeah! It's a limited edition so I-" She cut herself off with a loud gasp and then a screech. "OH MY GOD!" She shouted as she took off sprinting, making Edgar cock a brow. "What is she running after this time?" He questioned to himself as he walked in the direction his friend ran.

He turned a corner and looked to see Colette talking to the mysterious person he saw at the shop from before. His dark eyes widened as Colette shook the person's hand with a wild gaze. 

"HIIIII! I'm Colette! It's nice to meet you!!" She screeched as the person watched her with wide eyes. "Uhhh- I-It's nice to meet you too..?" They said with a puzzled expression. Edgar hurried to Colette and pulled her away with reddened cheeks.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry about h-her.. Sh-She gets a l-little excited sometimes-" He stammered with a crack in his voice. The figure looked utterly confused as they looked between the psychopath and the stuttering disaster.

They let out a small smile and laughed as the two looked at them. "I'm sorry for laughing! I just didn't expect something this bizzar to happen this late!" They chirped as they fixed their hair. "I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you!" They said politely with a gentle gaze.

Edgar felt as if he was going to melt through the ground at any moment. He tried to form words but he found his tongue twisted. "Ooooo~ That's a neat name!" Colette chimed in. "It suits you! You defiantly look like a (Y/N)." 

(Y/N) smiled and nodded as they put their hands together. "Thank you! I appreciate it." They said softly as Edgar stood back and watched the scene with wide eyes. Something inside Edgar to twist and turn. He knew the feeling well and it brought him slowly to rage as he watched the two converse.

"So! Do you work for the Brawlers? Are you some sort of body guard or something!?" Colette was beaming as (Y/N) cocked a brow. "Hm? Oh! No, no, I'm just a friend of theirs! Gene and I never get to see each other so he likes to spend time with me as much as possible."

They spoke with a soothing calmness while Colette was on the brink of exploding. (Y/N) checked their phone real quick and gasped as they looked back to the two. "Oh! I'm sorry but, I really need to return home. It was nice meeting you!" They chirped as they hurried off.

Colette let out a fangirling shriek as she hopped up and down. "EEEEEE!!~ Oh to be best freidns with the Brawlers!! It sounds like a dream!" Colette said with a giggled as Edgar eyed her with a dark look. "Yeah.. Cool..." He grumbled as he turned around and walked away.

Colette turned to the emo behind her and tilted her head. "Where are you going?" "Home." Edgar growled as Colette put her sleeved hand to her cheek. "Oh. Well, do you need me to walk you-" "No." 

He walked away in silence, leaving his friend behind in confusion as she put a sleeved hand to her mouth, wondering what was wrong.


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