Ink is Tired.

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No Ships.
Requested story! Hope you enjoy~.

Forced God of Creation Ink in this, I had fun with it.
Around 700ish words.


For a very long time, Ink just did whatever they wanted him to do. No questions asked out loud, no fighting back against something inevitable. No true free will. Of course, he had tried fighting back once, millennia ago. He had passed out from excruciating pain and had awoken to thousands of newly made AUs. Ever since then, he tried to followed their words as best he could and walked the path they had laid out for him. It wasn't until he noticed a skeleton destroying the AUs that he truly let go of the little free will he still had. 

Even the slightest of resistance would cause pain, and as the demand for more AUs and copies rose, the more he was subject to passing out and waking up barely an hour later to hundreds of AUs made. 

Right now though, he was tired. And as any tired Sans would do, he laid on his back in the doodle sphere and stared up at the papers that filled the vast space. It was one of the rare times that he could relax, without creators dropping in every second and demanding him to help create their AUs. 

It was times like these that he could think back and go over the memories he had. He chuckled slightly when he thought of a memory of back when the others had only just figured out that he had the memory of a goldfish. Although he would have liked to refute that statement, he knew that it was more or less the truth. A consequence of having voices demand things and pouring vast amounts of knowledge about an AU they wanted created into his head whenever they pleased. 

And then the moment was over just as quickly as it came.


Ink ran most of the time. Really, the only reasons he stopped running was to create AUs / copies when the creators pulled on his strings, talk to the few friends he had and to fight off Error when the creators grew too agitated. He didn't know why he was running half of the times, but he almost always ended up in a scuffed AU that very badly needed a helping hand. More often than not, it ended with him being bruised black and blue, bleeding. He still ended up helping them, every single time.

Once again, he had ended up in a scuffed AU, this time it seemed he was too late. A Genocide run had turned from bad to AU crumbling bad in what seemed like 2 hours. The Sans looked about ready to do anything to get the human to stop Genocide for good. The creators protested when he went to go forward, yelling at him to leave the Sans be. Ink could do nothing but force a reset to happen before the human and Sans could meet. Making sure the AU wouldn't crumble into the void.

Ink watched as Murder Sans came to be. And he watched as he got picked up by Nightmare, Dreams twin brother and guardian of Negativity. Although Ink couldn't do anything to change the outcome of Murders AU, he tried to help in any way that the Creators voices allowed. One of which was Murders ability to see his Papyrus, who had taken the form of a ghost and follows Dust around wherever he might go. [Murder is Dust, different names for a reason I can't remember at the moment, other than it having to do with the creator(s?) of Dusttale.]

It wasn't close to enough, in Inks opinion. But when had his opinion ever mattered? It used to, he knows that much. It used to matter, but ever since the voices grew more in quantity and stubbornness, it suffocated his opinion to where he no longer acknowledges them. 

Contrary to what some believed, Ink did indeed have a soul. Though with millennium of a constant stream of ideas and feelings the monsters of the AUs were feeling, his soul had gotten muted. The paint that he drinks in order to feel are of course, artificial. He knows what they should feel like, he remembers how they felt. Not that he will be able to feel the genuine emotion for a few eons more, if ever.

He's running again.



So. Hello.
I got this requested, I've been trying to write something more for it but my brain isn't cooperating with me. I've had this in the draft for a bit too long at this point and I apologize to the person who sent the request.

I hope this will be enough for now though! I might write something more about FGoC at some point in the future, but for now this is it.

I know it wasn't mentioned in this, but the Error of this multiverse is not FGoD Error. :)

Um. I think it is implied that Ink watched most of Nightmares Gang become what they are, unable to help them in the way that he wants to.

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