Parthenogenesis? Part 1.

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Started listening to a Nightmare kin playlist (the one on top) at some point because I got into the Nightmare mood whilst writing this. Honestly I don't mind the slightest bit lol. I'm just sad because they are short playlists and I need to play them on loop :(.

Anyways, this is a one-shot playing on the part named Parthenogenesis... wait.. what! in Idea Factory by Firehedgehog ! I took the idea and ran with it.

This was incredibly fun to write and I hope it turned out good, I'm planning on making one or two more parts to this one-shot, so look forward to those! I will use writing this as an excuse for not writing in the book I haven't even published yet.

- Start -

Memory Log Book; Entry 6 of 8236.
(is that a random number? yes, but he's lived a long life and has memories to write for days.)

In case you weren't aware yet, my name is Nightmare. I write down my memories to keep them from being lost to the void, since I am unable to die of old age as a result of being the Guardian of Negativity. The memories consist of both bad and good.

I would rather not forget anything. Especially not the memory we are talking about today.

We have already talked about my background, the apple incident, my brother turning to stone, the villagers being dickheads. Let us move past that and look at something I refrained from mentioning during those memory logs.

I have a kid. Had a kid.

As a side effect of eating the apples my body became parthenogenetic. For you illiterate people out there, it means to have an asexual reproductive system. Ah, perhaps that was too literate as well? I shall dumb it down for you. My body can reproduce without the need for a sperm donor, without having the need to have intercourse in order to carry a child. Was that dumbed down enough? Well, I won't be trying to dumb it down more than that, be satisfied with what I gave you, since I was generous enough to do it in the first place.

TLDR; I carried a souling without needing a second parents magic to support the growth of said souling. They grew up fine, thank you very much. I have plenty enough of magic for that.

I didn't notice at first, of course. I went about as normally as one can when having just went through an existential crisis that ended with your whole village massacred at your hands and with your brother frozen in time as a stone statue. That was a mouthful, my apologies.

As it turns out, because my magic had only just recently taken a leap in power and strength, the souling took longer than normal to form. This wasn't a bad thing per se as I have in later years read up on, it just means that the souling, as well as me, is able to recognize the other by their magic alone, but they are also very likely to inherit a stronger version of the mothers magic. They are also laughably weak when in the stage of forming and prone to dying more often than not.

A year had already gone by when I had noticed the souling. They were still incredibly small back then, smaller than the size of a pea and a shimmering white. Of course, it didn't take much for me to gather the things needed to safely carry the souling. Back then I had guessed it would take roughly 5 years for the souling to properly form, I was off by a year. It took 4 years for them to fully form, 5 years total, a rough few years for me, going around gathering skeletons to join my side and hiding away from the now known as Ink, protector of AUs.

Back to track, I had found an isolated AU during the 2nd year of carrying, it became the refuge we had needed. We only had a few people on my side back then, but the ones I did have helped build what would later become the main base of operations, or in other words, my castle. We finished the castle at the 4 year mark, wherein the time between the 2nd and 4th year we had multiple encounters with the Inky bastard. It wasn't a horrible time, but neither was it pleasant. We had difficulty finding medically knowledgeable skeletons to join our side, even farmers were easier to find. Although we had food on our table 3 times a day, nor was it a small amount, many of us considered and still do consider food a luxury.

I slightly lost track of what I was writing about again, my bad. 

I visited my brother a lot during that time. Told him a lot about what was happening, mostly because I thought he was unable to hear what I told him. Looking back at it now, maybe I should have stayed as far away as I could from Dream. Don't get me wrong, the souling wasn't affected by it at all. Dream had decided to, during the early days where he had just cracked out of the stone, reveal that he had indeed heard what I had been talking about. Funnily enough, he had only been able to hear me, even though he knew other people had been there as well. Connected with us being twins and guardians, perhaps? I will have to search for more information on that. Ultimately it was a poor choice on my side, no one should have known about them, it was a danger to their life. Though by that point my baby bones was already gone.

I will skip the boring parts, nothing worth mentioning happened. The souling was fully formed and I suddenly had a baby bones to take care of. I will admit to thinking they were adorable, beautiful black bones that, had I been able to raise and train them, would most likely be able to withstand the Light and positivity that is my own greatest weakness. I didn't think to mention it since I thought it would be obvious, but they would of course be as goopy as myself. I am their only parent, it would be weird if they weren't goopy. Though I suppose the look that screams goop would be minimized from my own look, if not completely gone. As a side effect, presumably because they were born of negativity, they had crevices on the cheeks in form of tear streaks with a beautiful pop of blue. One eyelight was a startling deep color of blue, while the other, the same eye that was covered with goop on my own skull, was the usual white.

A fun thing to note, as I never want to forget this detail, the time when they summoned their tongue, there were 5 of them. Five blue tongues. It could very well be because of my tentacles, as my baby bones had not shown any signs of having any tentacles. They had to have gone somewhere, 4 tentacles became 4 extra tongues. An interesting discovery to say the least.

Their soul was a gorgeous golden color, shimmering with a slivery hue. I had hoped it would stay as beautiful as it was when I had first seen it. It did, but I do not know if it still has the same glow it did back then.

They had been 9 years old when it had happened. We were in the north garden, it had been newly made just for them, they were playing around and running after something when it had caught their attention. There was nothing to take note of, everything was as it usually was, no warning signs or anything. I had been sitting down on a bench watching them run after a charming Lime butterfly. Everything happened so fast I have a hard time explaining the things that happened.

No warning was given before something red, similar to strings, came from above, grabbing onto my child and disappearing with them. They had screamed for me before fully disappearing, as had I. A moment too late in arriving where I had needed to be.

A long search was started after that moment, but ultimately we could not and have not found them. The multiverse was disheveled by us not only not attacking, but asking for help in forms of directions or if they had seen something similar to what we were describing. It is funny to think back on now, just how much chaos we cause by trying to find them.

You will see more memory logs with shorter memories centering them later, once I have gathered the courage to think about it more than I already have, not to mention writing it down.

They were the moonlight that I needed and I do not know how much longer I can take knowing they are out there somewhere, having had to grow up without me, if they still remember me. I just wish I could have told them that I loved them, even if it would be only once more.

They would already be an adult now, however. I never got to see them grow up, for that I will always blame myself. You might be wondering why I have yet to mention their gender, but that has to do with how I decided to raise them. I have yet to hear from them which gender they feel most comfortable with, therefore, gender neutral until I can hear their voice say it to my face.

With that being written down, this entry is finished. If someone who is in touch with my child, or knows where they are, please tell them I love them and that I am still looking for them. That I haven't stopped since the day they disappeared. Tell them that I still remember the promise we made on a summer day under the forever blossoming cherry tree.


- To be Continued -

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