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Shit post I wrote trying to get motivation again.
No ships, just crack.

I guess this is like.. a multitube Error oneshot. You know the ones where youtube and/or other social spaces show up, gets created or already existed in some random multiverse in the sans undertale shit.

Bruh. I have a fully fleshed out idea for this but my motivation is gone. I don't want to write it but it's such an interesting idea. QvQ


This piece of garbage we call life can go fuck itself. Error was tired and bored out of his mind. Nothing interesting was happening, things he usually found interest in just wasn't up to par anymore. Hell, he can't even find the energy to go against Ink and that was the most entertainment he could get.

He was bored.

It just so happens that someone *cough* sci *cough* made something similar to what the humans call 'internet' some time ago. The only major difference? It's for the multiverse, or rather for those who are aware of it.

Of course, Error got the needed equipment as soon as possible- actually he stole them but same, same. Long story short, Error has been on the web, explored till there was nothing left to explore. Looked at games that kept popping up out of nowhere. Watched as enemies and friends made videos out of anything and everything. Long story short again, Error (who could literally see the code of life) was in tune with this thing they called the 'interverse'.

Error was cringing at the choice of name, but it is what it is.

Soon enough, he had a whole corner (there is no such thing as a corner in the anti-void, so take it as a figure of speech) in the anti-void dedicated to the screens and machines that made up the interverse. The most dignified technology you could find is laying around basically collecting dust, Error isn't that good at communicating you see. It just so happens that the interverse was filled with interactive type of platforms. But.. solo games seem to be quite popular.

What if he made videos out of those?

Yes, you caught on to it quite quickly. Well, that's just assuming you have working braincells - the author doesn't have any working braincells as of this moment. Either way, Error has an account on all relevant platforms already, there's really nothing he has to do before getting started with recording game plays. Although... face cam and mic is a no-go. Unless he can change his voice somehow? Voice changers don't do shit with his type of voice, glitchy and all.

So that's exactly what Error spends his tiny amount of free time doing.

He tries voice changers, he tries minimising the glitching, at one point he finds a video about vocal lessons on multitube - it helps, together with successfully removing the glitches from his voice. Though it takes approximately one year and a half to get the voice - the 2 years it took for him to actually start making videos on the interverse made it increasingly clear that it was the new go to way of having a social life for any skele-guy.

The traffic online was only increasing and the popularity that games had received was steadily going uphill. Not that anyone else could see the statistics yet, it hadn't been implemented yet, meaning not even sci had as clear of a statistics sheet that Error had.



giving up on this.  alright people, heres an unfinished oneshot. the end is nowhere near what i want it to be, nor is it interesting enough to keep my focus in the middle of an existential crisis. 

grammar? who is she?
spelling? who tf?
motivation to finish something i really want to finish? WHERE??
cheesus? yes.

i didnt even bother going through it for mistakes i could easily fix. sorry if it sucks but i really cant be bothered rn.  

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