Chapter 24: Into You

Start from the beginning

Annabeth was defending me, and I couldn't get open. Gods, Annabeth was fierce and competitive, and I was struggling now that I was getting tired.

Somehow, she didn't even look phased yet.

"One point, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth commented sternly.

"Ooh, looks like I'm getting under your skin," I smirked. I tried to juke her and turn right, but she immediately blocked me from getting open. Damn.

"Nice try, Seaweed Brai-"

"PERCY," Jason shouted. I hadn't even noticed that Piper launched the Frisbee towards the deep end.

I ran towards the end zone with Annabeth on tow.

The frisbee was gliding through the air and started lowering. My hand reached forward as I continued running. My fingers wrapped around the edge of the frisbee. However, Annabeth was running right next to me also trying to catch the frisbee.

Suddenly, my foot hit a rock.

I stumbled forward. My hand was enclosed on the frisbee, but my body collided into Annabeth's, and we both collapsed on the ground.

I groaned as I landed on Annabeth. My hands holding my body from crushing her.

For a few moments, I was frozen. Annabeth was gazing up at me. Her stormy gray eyes were beautiful as our breaths intermixed. Our legs were also entangled in each other as my lower half pressed into her. Her chest was rising and falling in a smooth pattern.

"I caught the frisbee," she whispered softly.

My head turned to the side, and I noticed that her hand was clutching the frisbee. Both of my hands were against her side.

"I don't care at the moment," I whispered back.

My gaze flickered to her lips before looking at her eyes again. My eyes closed and I leaned towards hers, but we were very rudely interrupted.

"Nice work, Annabeth. Now, get off my player, Kelp Head," Thalia exclaimed. She stood a few feeding away from us with her arms crossed.

I groaned as I pushed off Annabeth and landed in the grass next to her.

Annabeth took a few moments to catch her breath before standing up. She quickly straightened herself and went to grab some water. I sighed as I sat up.

I was so stupid. I freaking tried to kiss in front of everybody (after landing on her no less). Of course, everyone saw it.

As I went to grab my water, Jason started talking.

"Bro, I don't even want to hear it," I snapped at him. Jason and Piper both laughed as Jason patted my back in support.

"Aww, our poor friend has fallen so deep," Katie cooed slyly.

My gaze locked onto Annabeth who was drinking water several feet away. I smiled in response to her smile. Yeah, I had fallen in love.


Thalia's team won the game.

We were still talking about it even on Monday. Katie and I were finished with swim practice, and we were walking toward the parking lot together.

I was glad that Katie and I were going to Regionals together. It was nice to have a friend accompany me.

"Percy, Percy, wait," Leo shouted as he ran towards us.

"Leo, what's wrong?" I asked immediately. He looked very panicked as he panted to catch his breath. He started talking, but I couldn't hear anything.

"Leo, slow down. What's going on?" Katie asked cautiously.

"It's Annabeth. Something's wrong."


"Yeah, Percy, she's in the music studio. I don't know what happened, but she needs you right now."

Oh, gods. My mind immediately raced as I dropped my bags and ran into the school. Katie and Leo didn't follow, but I didn't care. My heart pounded with worry.

"Annabeth, WISE GIRL," I shouted in panic as I ran into the familiar room.

The room was dark, and the only light that was emanating was from the sound booth in the middle of the room.

I stopped as I stared at Annabeth.

She looked completely fine. In fact, she looked beyond amazing. She was completely herself, and I greatly appreciated that.

She was wearing jeans and a red blouse. She stepped forward and situated herself in front of the microphone.

The music started playing as I softly gazed at her.

I stood a few feet away from the sound booth as Annabeth started singing for me. Her voice was gorgeous as music permeated through the room.

I got closer to her as I stared at her through the glass.

Her eyes were locked onto mine as she sang with her voice and body. The message of the song, Into You, was fairly obvious.

My heart pounded as I internalized all of my feelings for her. I had fallen for her hard, and I didn't intend to ever let go.

The song wasn't even finished when I entered the small sound booth.

Wise Girl turned around as the background music continued to play. Her eyes were glistening in the dimly lit room. She awaited my response.

"You scared the shit out of me, Wise Girl," I whispered.

Her smile faded as she stared at me in confusion. Clearly, it wasn't the response that she was expecting.

However, I smiled as I went towards me. My lips crashed into hers as my hands gripped her waist. She smiled into the kiss as her arms wrapped around my neck.

The butterflies in my head exploded into fireworks. The world melted away until it was only Annabeth and me.

It was the best kiss I've ever had, and it was our first one.


YAY. This chapter was fun, and I hope that you all enjoyed it. Please continue recommending music. I just might use your song choices in my next story. 

Check out all my other stories if you haven't already.


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