Chapter 19: Changes

Start from the beginning

His eyes held so many passionate and raw emotions. 

"Annabeth, it should be me who's apologizing," he expressed sincerely. 


"After your mother passed, I solely fell into work. It was the only distraction that I thought worked for me. Of course, I ignored my responsibilities to you. Eventually, I couldn't break out of the habit even while receiving additional family members," my dad explained. 

We both looked out the back door at the boys and Helen. The boys were amazing, and Helen was good too in the beginning. 

"I didn't realize how much of an impact my absence was having on my family, especially my wife and daughter, and I'm so sorry about that." 

I quietly listened. He was completely correct. Helen was definitely the most psychologically disturbed. She missed my dad, and she didn't want to lose another husband who she loved deeply. 

"Dad, what are you saying?" I asked cautiously. 

My dad sighed as he brushed my hair with his palm (the way that dads do sometimes). He smiled after that. 

"Your words affected me, Annabeth. Whether you were yourself or not, your words yesterday made me realize that I need to be with my family more," he said firmly. 

"I wish that you or Helen said something before."

I nodded as I smile stretched across my face. If dad could spend more time at home, I couldn't ask for anything else. Gods, whatever or however Percy broke down, it helped in fixing my family issues (at least, initiate the process). 

"I'd love that, dad. I love you," I expressed as I hugged him again. 

"I love you too, honey." 

I also realized that I wasn't afraid to voice my thoughts anymore. I could stand up for myself and share my voice. Living in Percy's body gave me the strength and skills necessary to figure out how to share my voice (to make my life better). 

I was so glad that my dad would be a larger presence in my life. I was glad that Helen could heal. 

My arms wrapped tighter around my dad. Helen and the boys came inside and joined us in the family embrace. 

I let out satisfying breaths of relief. 

I smiled warmly as a thought came to mind. A part of me wished that the person I was hugging right now was Seaweed Brain. 


"Thalia," I exclaimed as I ran over. 

Her eyes widened as I collided with her. My arms wrapped around my best friend as she froze in surprise. Yeah, she Wasnt much for hugging and touching. 

"Woah, Annie. What happened to you? You're in a good mood," she laughed. 

"I'm just so glad to see you again," I said. 

"What are you talking about? You literally saw me like two days ago when we were rehearsing for your talent show," she said while chuckling. 

The talent show. I had totally forgotten that Percy had signed me up for that. I honestly thought that I wouldn't have to worry about it because we'd still be in each other's bodies. Gods, the talent show was this Friday. 

Swimming districts were on Saturday and Sunday. 

"I'm glad that I'm doing the talent show this year. It's time," I said passionately. Thalia smiled in agreement as we walked towards my locker. 

I had spent the entire day with my family yesterday, and I caught Thalia up on everything that is going to change as a result of dad spending more time at home. 

He had already planned to spend Friday and the weekends at home. Honestly, his work was important but so was his family. This was the best option to treasure both aspects of his life. 

"I'm so happy for you Annabeth. It's about time that you stood up and expressed yourself," Thalia said supportively. 

I smiled as I reached my locker. 

I definetly missed my books and challenging subjects. I loved learning new things, and, no disrespect to Percy, but his classes were a bit too downscale for me. 

"Fight Song is a great choice for the talent show," Thalia said. "I know that I keep saying it, but that's the truth. It fits you and your life." 

"Thanks, Thalia, Percy made a good choice with that one," I said without thinking. 

"Wait, hold on, Percy picked the song for you. Hold up, since when do you and Percy hang out at all?" she asked in disbelief. 

I bit my tongue and internally cursed. 

Percy and I spent a lot of time together over the past two weeks. To be honest, we fought, so I didn't reach out. My pride was acting up, and I didn't want to make the first move. 

Regardless, I missed him. 

"Err, yeah, Thalia. Percy and I have been spending more time together, but it's nothing special. Don't make a big deal," I said. 

Thalia didn't say anything, but her sly grin said it all. 

Finally, I split off from Thalia and started walking towards the first period. However, I froze when I saw Percy at his locker. 

He was trying and failing to stuff his swim bag into his locker. 

I decided to walk over. However, I readjusted my route when I noticed Rachel stop in front of Percy. Her hand touched his arm. 

Suddenly, I felt an acid feeling in my gut. 

I couldn't hear what they were saying as I continued walking down the hallway. However, my gray eyes locked onto his beautiful sea green ones for a few moments. 

There were so many passionate emotions swirling in his eyes. 

Percy was also looking at me until Rachel snapped his attention back to her. They started talking pretty quickly. 

As I continued to class, I wondered if they getting back together. Technically, Percy and Rachel had broken up, and he seemed fine with that. 

Gods, what the hell was happening? 

I honestly thought that Percy would talk to me by now. Or, maybe, I just wanted him to come back to me. 

After all, I liked cared for him a lot. 


Yup, change can be good. Percy and Annabeth are an amazing change in each others' lives both in Riordanverse and in this AU. I hope that ya'll continue to enjoy this story. 

Check out all my other stories if you haven't already.


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