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Nyx's pov

When we got up to the surface I was quick to asses the situation. Reiner wasn't responding, Zeke was a while out, Eren was battling the warhammer titan in the streets and the scouts had infiltrated the city. To top it all off Pieck needed at least ten minutes to get armoured up for the Panzer unit.

Porco and I hurried ahead, Porco overtaking me after having transformed. When I reached the plaza and saw Eren holding a crystallised Tybur with Porco on his shoulder, his jaw slit open I dug my nails into my palm and transformed.

I hardened my knuckles and punched Eren in the face to stop him from hurting Porco. I kept my nape hardened since the survey corpse were surrounding us.

"Keep your guard up, 32 soldiers are surrounding us including both Ackermans. Guard your nape and protect the warhammer." I said.

Eren roared at me before swinging a punch. I brought both arms up to block it and dug my heels into the ground. I was pushed back slightly but still managed to swing my leg around to kick him. Eren caught my leg and threw me across the plaza into a building.

I got to my feet as I saw soldiers closing in on Porco. He couldn't harden so he was defenceless.

"Don't touch him!" I growled, covering the back of his nape with a hardened fist.

Just then the sound of gunfire filled my ears.

"Behind us! Fall back, take cover!" Someone yelled as a few corpses dropped.

"Good work." I said before a huge structure of hardened skin appeared around Eren due to the warhammer's ability.

There was a sudden sound of rumbling steps and Zeke's 17 meter beast appeared between some buildings. Thank god I sent for him when I did. I linked up with the three warriors and got ready for the battle of a lifetime.

"Kill all of them, let noone escape." Zeke said.

'Sir yes sir. That was already the plan, now have you heard from Reiner at all?' I thought.

'No. Forget about him and focus on the battle infront of you. Don't get yourself killed because hes distracted you.' Zeke replied. 'Let's see if you can fight as well as you command.'

Zeke immediately began his usual strategy of throwing things. Pieck covering his nape and Porco watching her blind spots. I watched Eren leave his titan form and transform again, that was the second time he had done that.

I charged for Eren, everything from my elbows to my fingertips on both arms hardened.

'Cover eachother, I'm going to distract Eren.' I said.

I swung a punch, knocking Eren into a building. I punched his face a few more times, giving him no time to retaliate and forcing him to the ground. Pinning him there I forced both of my tubes inside his body, trying to take control of his titan form. Fighting his will untill he no longer tried to push me away and then pulling his head up to reveal his nape. Just as I was about to bite him a huge gust of wind sent me flying, forcing me away from him and into the ground.

I looked up and gasped, I forgot that they had eaten Bertholdt, that they had the colossal titan. They might actually be too much for us to handle.

'How's it looking?' I asked through the link.

'Not too good, distance yourself a bi-' Zeke was cut off.

'Zeke?! Zeke!' I screamed.

'Zeke's dead.' Pieck thought in shock.

'Pieck, Porco, draw back and regroup before we all end up dead.' I thought.

'No, I've got this! I can get Eren!' Porco replied.

'For once in your life listen to me! Don't be a stubborn fool or you'll end up dead!' I yelled at him.

'Carlo!' Pieck thought suddenly.

'Pieck what's going on?!' I asked in a panic.

'I'll make you pay!' Pieck raged.

I hurried to my feet, they weren't listening to me and they were all going to die. I tried to make my way to pieck but I got swarmed by scouts. I began swating at them with one hand, using my other hand to protect my nape. I heard the sound of an explosion and whipped around to see pieck fall to the ground.

"Pieck!!" I screamed.

I still couldn't get to her as I continued swatting people out of the air. I originally was trying not to kill them but now I was smashing them to ugly red stains on purpose.

'We're dropping like flies, first warchief and now Pieck! Damn it, damn it, damn it, Damn!' Porco thought.

'Pock please retreat, we can't win this. We are the two least capable fighters. Please don't die.' I begged.

My please fell on deaf ears or in this case an empty brain. He ignored me and went straight for Eren. I finally escaped the swarm of soldiers and made my way over to where Eren and Porco were fighting.

I did my best to guard him from any oncoming attacks but I was running on empty. My titan form had wasted away all of its muscle and was practically a corpse. My body emerged from my titan and I began coughing and spluttering. Some of my body was still connected to the titan so I could still control it but I doubted my body could handle that.

"Please... stop..." I muttered between coughing fits, my hands becoming red with my own blood and my eyes begining to blur with black spots.

Eren was slamming Porco into the ground so that he could eat him and all I could do was watch.

"You're coming with me brat." Levi said from my titan's shoulder.

"Por...co... you... Id...iot..." I muttered. "Ple...ase.... don...t die."

Levi then grabbed me and yanked me out of my titan. I let out a scream of agony, anguish and fear as he began taking me up to some kind of airship.

Just as I screamed the flash of a titan transformation went off, Reiner was finally here.

I watched, my eyes occasionally slipping shut as Reiner saved Porco. Atleast two people I loved would be surviving this attack.

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