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Nyx's pov

The mission was going well and I had now joined my squad, the supply squad. We were in the HQ getting our stuff together to supply the other squads.

"I've found some guns, they haven't even been touched." Karl said as he looked in a dusty crate.

"Aren't much use to us though either." Isabel said.

"Yup, how many blades do you think they'll need? Should I put them in a bag or just carry them? I'll cut myself though. Can you use O.D.M gear while holding stuff? I don't think you can, I'm pretty sure you need two hands." I rambled.

"Ever the nervous talker." Marcus said.

"Hey! I can't help it, I don't want to die with a million thoughts in my head that I've never had the chance to voice. I have really good ideas!" I said.

"Oh I know, you're always on about something." Tom said.

"That's because I know something about everything! I'm just sharing the knowledge, you'll appreciate it one day." I said. "Now gas, what are we going to do about gas? There's six of us so maybe we pair up, one person does gas, one person does blades and we all spread out across the city. What do you think Margo?"

"I think that's a good ide- Ahh!" She let out a shriek after something hit the building and the whole place shook.

"What the hell was that?!" Tom asked.

"Probably a titan, they are kind of swarming the city at the moment. We can outrun one titan, or kill it if we need to." I said.

"Let's just get as much as we can and get out before more come." Karl said.

"I second that." Marcus said.

"Margo, Karl and I will go get the gas." Isabel said.

"Okie dokie, I'll go with Margo to give stuff out once we've got gas. Marcus go with Isabel and Tom you'll get Karl." I said.

"Sounds good, we'll be five minutes." Margo said before the three of them began leaving for the storage room.

"Come help me with the blades until they get back." I said.

Tom and Marcus came over and began helping me sort through the blades. We were at it for a few minutes before Isabel and Karl came back.

"Hey guys, Where's the gas? Where's Margo?" I asked.

"She's dead." Isabel said looking traumatised.

"There's a 4 meter titan in the supply room." Karl said.

"You've got to be kidding me! We're screwed." Tom said.

"There's only one, right? We can still take it out and get the gas no problem." I said.

"No, we can't. If there's a 4 meter in there it means that titans can get in. If we kill that one another one will just show up, you're smart, you should know that." Marcus said.

"Then let's get all of the gas we can before another one turns up. There are people out there that need our help. We can't just leave them stranded because we're scared of a titan." I said.

There was suddenly another rumble that shook the building.

"That's another titan, there's too many of us, they can smell us." Tom said.

"There's nothing we can do." Marcus said.

"Marco, Jean, Krista, all of my friends are out there fighting! They're relying on us to supply them with gas! If we don't do anything then we'll leave them stranded and they'll die!" I argued.

"There's nothing we can do Nyx! Just give up." Isabel said.

A titan suddenly pressed its face against the window beside me. Everyone let out a scream and began panicking.

"Come on! Let's just hide before we all end up dead." Karl said.

"You guys can hide, I'm going to get gas and supply our friendsl" I said before storming off. The building began rumbling again as i got over to the lift.

I looked out over the storage room and saw three titans in the 3-4 meter range. Not quite what I was expecting but I'd find a way around it, I needed to look like a good soldier, especially since I was unaccounted for earlier.

I got my blades ready and creeper along the rafters trying to find an opening. When I found one I dropped down and cut the nape of one of the titans. I went to go for the next one when a new one entered the storage room.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

One of the titans tried to grab me and I quickly cut its fingers off. I let out a scream to order the titans to ignore me, thank god for my titan powers or I'd already be dead. I began looking around the storage room before finding a good place to hide, when more titans came in they try to eat me so I'd need to stay hidden. I ended up behind the big tanks of gas and under some blade storage containers.

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