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Nyx's pov

After the cremation we got word on Erens trail. He was officially a member of the scouts. I had snuck out late with Annie to go and discuss our new plans.

"My plan is going ahead, Eren was awarded to the scouts at around noon today." I said. "Annie, I hope you'll manage alone in the interior until Its time for you to retrieve Eren."

"I'll be fine." Annie said.

"Nyx, are you alright after everything that happened?" Reiner asked.

"I'm fine, after talking to nurses and doctors I was reminded that these people are devils. They don't care for anyone but themselves, they were fine with knowing that all of those people died as long as it wasn't someone they knew." I said. "I just want to go home, I'll go insane here."

"We all want to go home." Bertholdt said.

"Any other plans for now?" Annie asked.

"They captured two titans in Trost, they have a scientist working on them. They've already had them for a week, that's too long. We need to kill the titans and stunt their progress before they figure out anything major." I said. "The same scientist is working with Eren so we'll have to try and secure him quickly."

"Well, let's go and kill those titans tonight then. They'll be restrained so it should be easy." Reiner said.

"And guarded, we can't risk being caught. On top of that we need an extra set of O.D.M gear, they'll want to know who killed those titans and they'll examine everyone until they find out." I said.

"I could get Marco's, I remember where Annie flung it." Bertholdt said.

"Good, I can sneak out easily to watch the time table for the next few nights. If anyone asks I can just say I was grieving Marco." I said.

"The guys all thought you and Marco were seeing eachother secretly." Reiner said.

"Perfect, we'll just say that I was in love with Marco and I'm devastated because I never got to tell him. I've sworn I'll never love again because Marco was one of a kind and that I need more time to grieve. I'll build a quick shrine thing for him somewhere and claim I'm going to see that or whatever." I said.

"You sound like you've thought this out." Bertholdt said.

"Of course, I spend all my time thinking, I need to think, thinking ahead keeps me sane, it's the only thing that stops me from burning out." I said.

"I don't know how you do it." Reiner said.

"Think of it this way, in a game of chess you can't simply move your pieces each round and hope to win, you need to learn your opponent and plan your moves accordingly." I said. "I see my whole life as chess matches, currently I'm playing against the whole island of paradis and Erwin Smith is in charge of their pieces. He turned Eren from a pawn to a queen and is now chasing down our King, my first course of action is to capture that Queen, my second course of action is to finish the game and capture his king, the founder. We'll take as many pieces as he'll give us but ultimately his second queen and his king are the only ones we want. Erwin is also at a disadvantage, I have special pieces and he doesn't know how many spaces they can move and in what directions."

"You're rambling again Nyx." Annie said.

"Oops! Sorry, anyways I'll head out and start preparing that schedule. I'll make some things for Marco incase someone asks. Cover for me Annie." I said.

"We'll all cover for you." Reiner said.

"No, it'll look strange if you try to cover for me. We barely talk after all. Annie is my bunk mate, it makes sense for her to know." I said. "Take care of him Bertholdt. Don't get caught you three, good luck."

"Same to you." Bertholdt said.

"I'll be back in a few days." I said. "Don't do anything stupid."

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