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Nyx's pov

Later on in the day I was in my house preparing the lockets I bought by filling them with dried Goldenrod flowers for good luck. While I was doing this I heard a knock at my door and hurried over to answer it.

"Zofia? What are you doing all the way out here? This isn't normally the safest place to be." I said as I came face to face with the girl.

"I wanted to talk to you." Zofia said.

I glanced around, there were already people eyeing Zofia more than likely planning to rob her. Just because I was an honorary Marleyan didn't mean I was allowed to live normally, I still had to pay for my ancestors' former life of nobility.

"Come in and take a seat." I said as I opened the door wider for her.

Zofia seemed rather awkward as she shuffled into my house. She sat at the very edge of my couch and began twidling her thumbs.

"So what's wrong, you wouldn't come to see me if you didn't need something. I can see by your body language you're nervous, you're not normally so easy to read." I said as I moved to sit next to her.

"Does it hurt to inherit a titan?" Zofia asked, never once looking me in the eyes.

"So that's what this is about." I said.

"I know it's an honour! Im not saying its not, It'd mean everything to me! But..." Zofia said hurriedly before trailing off.

"I get it, don't worry." I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Becoming a titan doesn't hurt at all, most people don't even remember it. It's like a black out, you go into a room with one other person and wake up to that person gone and you become a true warrior. The pain comes from the weight of that responsibility."

Zofia looked at me curiously and I continued.

"After that day you become the hope of the Marleyan people, a pillar for your fellow eldians and the foundation of your fellow warriors. They'll all look to you in one way or another. The people of Marley will look to you to protect them and help them win their wars. The eldians will look to you as an example of what they should strive to be. And your fellow warriors will look to you to support them in battle, to keep everyone in line. You are the most important of the warriors because you are the only one that can keep them all in sync. It's a lot. What's more you'll see the thoughts and memories of all your predecessor, i hope you don't judge me to harshly when you see how I've lived. The most important thing is not to loose your sense of self, as long as you go into this knowing exactly who you are you will never be lost." I said.

"Do you think I can handle it?" Zofia asked.

"Zofia, I wouldn't have pushed for you to succeed me if I didn't think you could handle it. You're the only candidate I think can bare such a heavy burden. I know that one day you will surpass me and all of the other Command Titan holders because you zofia are truly amazing." I said. "I wanted to save this until tonight but I'll give it to you now. I'm the last remaining member of the Betzner family, once I go my ancestors' sins will finally be wiped clean. The family crest will once again be honorable and I want you and Gabi to wear that honour proudly for me."

I picked up one of the lockets and handed it to her.

"The flower inside shouldn't wilt until the end of your term, it's a Goldenrod, it means good luck." I said.

"Thank you miss Betzner, I'll never take it off." Zofia said as she smiled at me.

"I'm glad, now hurry along before you're late for the event tonight. You'll need to get cleaned up for something as world changing as this. In a few years people will ask you where you were when this was going down and you'll get to say you were there." I said.

Zofia nodded and I showed her to the door.

Time skip

I was one of the first people to arrive at the stage, closely followed by Zeke and Colt.

"Hey, how have you two been doing? I know you've been busy, I haven't seen you both much recently." I said.

"I've been alright, training is exhausting, thanks for asking." Colt said.

"As you said I've been busy, how about yourself? Reiner said you were ill during the last meeting and I couldn't stay to check up on you because I had another meeting straight afterwards. I've been worried about you." Zeke said.

"I'm doing great, that stuff you gave me has really been helping. I even ate at the festival, pizza is really good." I said.

"Nyx!" Gabi called drawing my attention to the three warrior candidates rushing towards us.

"Show some respect." Porco said before bopping her on the head.

"Owww, she said I could call her that!" Gabi whined.

"I'm dating her cousin, it would be a bit weird for her to call me miss Betzner now. Its perfectly fine for her to call me Nyx." I said.

"You're dating Mr Braun?" Colt asked surprised.

"Congratulations. I've been waiting on one of you making a move for over a year." Zeke said making me laugh.

"It's not my fault Reiner is oblivious." I said.

"Hey, I'm right here." Reiner said, pulling me into his side, an arm around my waist.

"That doesn't change the facts." I said as I leaned into him. "Oh! Before I forget I got a gift for you Gabi."

I pulled the other locket from my pocket and held it our to her.

"That's your family crest isn't it?" Peick said.

"This is like the one Zofia has on." Gabi said as she took it.

"Those lockets will link you both to me and eachother. Look out for eachother, the Goldenrod in the necklaces can only bring you so much luck." I said.

"Thanks Nyx." Gabi said before grinning.

"Mr Braun!" Falco called out, out of breath from running to us.

"Where have you been?" Gabi asked.

"Sir, do you mind coming with me?" Falco asked.

"I don't think there's time." Reiner said and Zeke checked his watch.

"You have plenty of time, the curtains won't go up for a few more minutes." Zeke said.

"Go on. Just hurry back, we wouldn't want you guys missing the Tyburs, this is an important night." I said.

"I'll be as quick as I can." Reiner said before kissing the tip of my nose.

"Ewww!" The four kids chorused making the rest of laugh.

"Just go and quit being gross!" Gabi said as she shoved Reiner.

Within the wallsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें