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Nyx's pov

I woke up in the room all of us warriors shared whenever we were in this part of town. Pieck was laying on the next bed over and Porco was sat at his desk.

"Hey Pock, Hey Pieck, how's it going?" I asked.

"Good morning Nyx, how are you feeling?" Pieck asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

"You didn't even fight, I don't know why you're so tired." Porco said.

"You're so mean to me!" I whined.

"It's not my fault, you're supposed to be the youngest, Where's the energy?" Porco said.

"Truthfully the closer I get to the end of my term the harder it gets to stay upright. They might have to send me off with Zeke, I don't think I've got two years left in me." I said.

"Nyx..." Pieck trailed off.

"Don't talk like that! You have two years left and you're gonna live those two years! Am I hell letting you die before you're 21!" Porco yelled.

"Pock's right, the war is over now. Hopefully you'll get to enjoy your life a little." Pieck said.

"What is there to enjoy?" I asked.

"Who the hell are you and what have you done with Nyx!? The Nyx I know wouldn't be talking like this!" Porco said as he stood up abruptly.

I went to respond but all that came out of my mouth was a cough and some blood.

"Shit..." Porco said.

"So thats it, a soldier reported that something was off with you before you collapsed. You're sick." Pieck said.

"I'm not healing properly anymore. My body has always struggled to cope with being a titan but it's never gotten this bad." I said.

"Does anyone know?" Pieck asked.

"Just Zeke." I said.

"Have they picked your candidate?" Porco asked.

"Not yet, they're thinking Zofia but they haven't confirmed it. I'm going to start training her soon just incase." I replied. "I have a feeling Gabi will get the armoured and Falco will get the cart. I don't think Udo is quite ready yet so he'll probably get the jaws once Pock's term is over."

"You've already thought about who will kill us all." Pieck said.

"It's inevitable, I'm at peace with it." I said.

"Just, try to stay well Nyx. I get there's not much that can be done, it's not a normal illness, but try to get the most out of the time you have left." Porco said.

"Does that mean you're going to stop being a big meanie?" I asked.

"Fuck off." Porco said as he flipped me off.

Pieck and I just laughed.

Time skip

We arrived back home to Liberio early the next morning. I was feeling a lot better after the medication Zeke had mixed up for me. It was true not much could be done for me but Zeke was able to ease the stress on my body a bit.

"You kids sure had fun last night, I heard your name getting chanted until the early hours of this morning." I said as I placed a hand on Gabi's shoulder.

"Sorry. We were just apologising to Zeke and the others too." Gabi said making me smile.

"I wasn't looking for an apology kiddo, just wanted to say I'm proud of you. You saved me some strategy time." I said as I ruffled her hair and she grinned.

"Thanks! That means a lot coming from you." Gabi said.

"Hey Miss Betzner, do you know who's getting your titan yet?" Falco asked.

"It's a bit early to say." Zeke said.

"There is one name that keeps getting tossed around a lot. I've sent in an analytical report on all available candidates and they've said I'll get a confirmation in a few days time." I said. "I'm hoping to get it confirmed soon so that I can start teaching them strategies and techniques for the command."

"Who's name is getting tossed about?" Udo asked hopefully.

"Is it me?" Gabi asked.

"No, sorry Gabi but you don't have the right skill set for the command. A commander needs to be a good strategist, they need to have good awareness skills and they have to be incredibly intelligent. A commander has to keep a level head and be able to disconnect themselves from the world and see their comrades as pawns when necessary for the sake of success. They have to have good reasoning skills and the ability to focus." I said. "That's why I'm highly recommending Zof- oops!"

"Zofia!?" Gabi, Falco and Udo exclaimed.

"You didn't hear that! It's not confirmed! You guys aren't supposed to know that yet!" I said.

I heard Reiner chuckle and turned to see him shaking his head.

"Don't start Reiner. I'm leaving, keep your mouths shut." I said as I puffed out my cheeks.

"They'll keep it quieter than you did blabber mouth." Reiner said and I flipped him off.

"I grow to hate you more and more every day." I said. "I'll see you all later. Reiner I hope I never see you again."

Reiner's pov

I laughed as I watched Nyx walk off.

"Mr Braun, is Miss Betzner always like this?" Falco asked.

"I forget you lot don't get to see her much. She disappears to the strategy cave and never comes out. But yeah, for as long as I've known Nyx she's always been like that." I said.

"You like her, don't you." Gabi said teasingly as she wiggled her eyebrows and nudged me.

"That's what I was saying. You make it obvious." Pieck said.

"No I don't! I don't know what you guys are talking about." I said.

"Your face is red Reiner, you've been caught out." Zeke said.

I huffed.

"There's no need to deny it, I don't think I've ment a sane man that hasn't taken a shine to Nyx. At the very least they admit she's gorgeous." Pieck said. "I certainly agree."

"You don't know what you're saying." I said.

Everyone just laughed.

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