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Nyx's pov

I woke up in a bed, wrapped up in silk sheets. It was the most comfortable I had ever been in my life.

"You're awake." Erwin said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, that's the best I've slept in years." I said.

"You slept through all the action brat." Levi said.

"Sorry. I've never had very good stamina." I said.

"Levi and Hanji told me everything. How would you feel about rejoining the Scouts?" Erwin asked.

"You'd really allow that knowing what I'm like?" I asked.

"You're exactly the type of person we'd want as a scout." Hanji said.

I smiled.

"Don't start crying brat, that won't do anything." Levi said.

"Sorry, I'm just so... Happy." I said.

"Is that a yes?" Hanji asked.

"Yes! I want nothing more." I said.

Hanji was quick to pull me into a hug. This was the life I wanted.

Time skip

2 months had passed since then and things were looking up. I had been put straight back into the scouts and had been helping Eren and Hanji with the hardening experiments.

It was dinner time and I was running late from a meeting with Erwin.

"Jean! I told you to keep me a seat!" I whined as I approached them.

"Sorry, You were late." Jean said.

"I was in a meeting with Erwin, I have to attend those if I want to remain a scout. It's either that or go back to jail." I said. "Shift up new guy, I want my seat."

"Uh... sorry." The guy said as he and Sasha moved up one for me.

"So Where's Connie? Was I that late that I missed him?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's going to ragako early tomorrow so he already left." Sasha said.

"Damn, I'm sorry about all of that by the way. It wasn't my mission but I can guarantee it would have been the other warrior squad that did that." I said.

"It wasn't you that did that, don't beat yourself up over it." Jean said.

"Still, I probably grew up with whoever did." I said. "Eren your glaring is distracting. What did I do?"

"You know so much and we still know nothing." Eren said.

"Unfortunately I don't have the answers to the mysteries you're trying to solve. You're the only one that can remember it, you have to keep trying." I said.

"You can remember previous titans' memories can't you? Have you had any trouble with it?" Armin asked.

"A bit. When you have so many other people's thoughts in your head sometimes you confuse bits of their life for your own. That kind of caused me a bit of an identity crisis. I can't tell you what traits of mine are actually mine and what traits belong to other people. I'm just going with what feels best to me and hopefully that person is Nyx." I said.

"I think that Nyx is whatever person you want her to be, you get to decide." Armin said.

"I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, what's everyone on about?" I asked.

"Just telling Eren that maybe if he wasn't holding hands with Historia and he got a headbutt from the commandant instead he might remember something useful." Jean said.

"If that would help me remember I..." Eren trailed off. "Hey wait, that's who I saw with my dad. It's commandant Shadis."

"Well there you go. He didn't need hit in the head, he just needed the thought of it." I said.

"Nyx! I know you probably just sat down but Commander Erwin needs to talk to you again after you've eaten." Hanji said as she approached the table. "It's important."

"I'll be there in ten minutes. I haven't eaten all day and captain levi yelled at me for it. I don't want my ass kicked." I said making Hanji laugh.

"He's only doing that because he cares. If anything happens to you he'll be the shortest again." Hanji joked.

"Don't let him hear you say that or we'll both get our asses kicked." I said.

Time skip

I was out tending to the horses while everyone else was off doing stuff. I smiled when I heard a group of horses, Jean and the others were back.

"Hey, welcome back. How'd it go?" I asked.

"We got all we needed." Hanji said.

Eren jumped down from his horse and approached me. I let out a yelp as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" I asked.

"Eren have you lost your mind?" Jean asked.

"You're special. You can change this world. It took the commandant pointing it out for me to realise it. You can make a difference, please, make this world better." Eren said.

"What's gotten into you? " I asked.

"Shadis got to him." Levi said as he pulled him off of me.

"That makes more sense. That guy used to tell me how special I was at least once a month. It was normally after making me run until I dropped for running my mouth." I said. "I'm not special though as much as people would like to think I am. I don't believe anyone is special. At the end of the day any one person can make a difference if they try, it has nothing to do with being special."

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