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Nyx's pov

Eren was silent for a moment and I shifted to look at him. He looked terrifying.

"You felt sorry for me? So then you're not... you're not warriors or soldiers, you're just murders. Psychotic mass murders who snuffed out the lives of countless people that never did you any wrong." Eren said.

"Don't you think I'm aware of that fact!" Reiner yelled. "I don't need you shoving it down my god damn throat!"

"Then stop acting like you've got any right to feel sorry for yourself! We're living in a hell you two created! Are you proud of yourselves!? You're not one of us, you've never been! You're not even human anymore!" Eren yelled.

"You want an apology!? Is that what you hope to get out of calling us murderers?! Want us to feel bad!? Want us to take the blame?! Who are you talking too!? Thenpeople you thought you knew don't exist! They're dead! But hey, if screaming does it for ya then go ahead and scream your god damn head off." Reiner yelled back.

"Please stop." I muttered as I covered my ears.

This was too much. I wasn't prepared to deal with this today.

"Nyx, hey... I'm sorry. I know this is way too much for you. Watching you stress about Annie the past few weeks and now all this. I'll handle this. You just take a break." Reiner said as he knelt down infront of me and removed my hands from my ears.

He pulled me into a hug, resting my head on his shoulder. He used to have to do this with me every day when I first became a warrior candidate. I was only 5 at the time, barely old enough, I was the youngest one there and always getting picked on. I had needed a sense of safety from somewhere and that came from Reiner and Zeke. I pretty much used them as a security blanket.

"Tell me something, what's with the giant monkey?" Yimir asked.

"Monkey, what are you talking about?" Reiner asked.

"Huh, I thought for sure you'd know. Thats surprising from the way you guys were ogling it all slack jawed I figured we were seeing some kind of living legend. weird." Yimir said.

"A monkey, don't be cute." Eren said.

"Shut up and listen, a monkey, beast titan, whatever you wanna call him, he's behind this latest fiasco. It's why titans are cropping up out of nowhere. I get the feeling he's gadging our strength." Yimir said. "Reiner, Nyx and Bertholdt are trying to get wherever he is, that's how they're getting back home. Feel free to correct me if I'm way off base."

"Wait... how did you know?! Who are you?! What else haven't you told me!?" Eren yelled.

"Be patient, I'm caught up in circumstances of my own." Yimir said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" Eren exclaimed.

"It means she ate our friends." I said knowingly.

Some of us shifters were more attuned with the previous host or hosts than others. Some of us even got their memories confused with our own, something I did frequently. Yimir was just looking into Marcel's life.

"Yimir, there's no future for this world and you know it. You have a solid grasp of things, what do you think comes next? Joining our side wouldn't be out of the question if you were so inclined." Reiner said.

"And put my faith in you guys? That's rich, neither of you trust me as far as you can throw me." Yimir said.

"Come on, that isn't true. We know what you really want, all you care about is protecting krista. If we can all agree on that then I don't see the conflict. I'm being absolutely serious, is it so hard to believe that we want what's best for her too? Nyx almost died for her at the tower. Then again you could always put your trust in Eren, see where that leads you. You're probably leaning towards escape, better to take a chance with him than to try it with us. If we end up taking you there's not much hope of being rescued, I'll be straight with you, that much is true. Even if you came willingly we're not in a position to guarantee your safety. If its krista we're talking about we might be able to do something. It's your call, what's it gonna be? Is it krista's future or your own petty existence?" Reiner said.

"Come clean! Who's the real enemy here!? Tell me what you know!" Eren yelled.

"Couldn't say." Yimir said.

"Alright then. Sorry Eren-" Reiner was cut off.

"We're gonna have to hurry up and move, those are smoke signals. The scouts are here." I said as I pointed at Green smoke in the distance.

"Son of a bitch." Reiner said.

"Talk to me Reiner, what are you right now?" Bertholdt asked.

"A warrior, calm down." Reiner said.

"Is it really wise to trust Yimir? Even thought she's the one who devoured Marcel." Bertholdt asked.

"It's our best bet. For now we'll leave with Eren and Yimir. We can come back and collect Annie, Krista and the founding titan at a later date." I said.

"You're helping? Does that mean you're not mad at me anymore?" Reiner asked.

"I'm still mad that you went and did all this without talking to me first but I'd rather we not get killed. I can yell at you once we're home." I said as I allowed my injured leg to heal, steam rising up from it as I brought myself to my feet.

"It's been weird seeing you act like a happy little clueless kid for the past few years. It'll be nice to get the real Nyx back." Bertholdt said.

"I'm not even sure who the real Nyx is anymore Bert. I'd like to get her back too, wherever she is." I said. "Just get Eren and Yimir ready to leave. I need some time to come up with a few plans. I haven't been thinking ahead much recently, it's been driving me insane."

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