"Those soldiers ride the cart titan into battle so I try to build a strong bond with them." Pieck replied.

"No offence but it looks like you did more harm than good." Porco said.

"I think she did well." I said as I leaned on Porco's shoulder.

"Hey! What the hell!?" Porco exclaimed.

"I'm really tired all of a sudden, sorry." I said.

Porco's eyes softened and he wrapped an arm around me, supporting me a bit more. While he did this I linked up to Reiner.

'Something is off, they've taken us away from the stage. Zeke's been sent to the main gait and they're sending the rest of us elsewhere. Where are you?' I thought.

'Stuck in a conversation with an old friend. I'll be there soon, I love you.' Reiner replied.

'I love you too.' I thought back before cutting the link and bringing my hand up to my mouth as I coughed.

"Are you okay?" Pieck asked.

"Fine." I replied, breathing heavily.

"In here." The soldier ordered as they opened the door of a building for us.

The three of us walked inside and looked around, the place was empty.

"So Where's commander Magath?" Porco asked.

We didn't get an answer, instead the floor fell out from under us and we screamed as we fell into a small, dark pit deep under the ground.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked.

"Shit that hurt." Porco said.

"I'll take that as a no." I said.

"This space is too cramped for us to transform in and with three of us down here we'd just crush eachother." Pieck said.

"I still don't get it though, what's that soldier's plan?" Porco asked.

"I couldn't tell you, they really were familiar though, I can tell you that much." Pieck said.

"I've already asked Reiner for help. I have a feeling the stage will be under siege soon, why else would they lure us away from there and trap us. Everyone who's anyone is gathered there right now, we should have known someone would infiltrate and attack." I said.

Time skip

The pit we were in began to shake.

"Okay, what's going on here?" Porco asked.

"Based on all the tremors I think titans must be fighting on the surface." Pieck said.

"Wait, are you serious?" Porco askedcand I nodded.

"Eren is here." I said.

"What?" Pieck asked.

"He's the only shifter that isn't on our side." I said. "Reiner said he was stuck with an old friend, I should have known he ment someone one from Paradis."

"We need to join the fight quickly." Pieck said.

"She's right, it took both the armoured and the colossal to take him down last time. We need every warrior and the war hammer ready to fight if we want to protect Marley." I said.

Suddenly light streamed in and we looked up to see the Panzer unit.

"You're late!" Pieck called up.

"Sorry, are you three okay?!" Someonr called down.

"Yeah, now throw us a rope!" Pieck said.

"On it!" One called.

"The Panzer unit, how'd they know we'd be here?" Porco asked.

"I thought beardie was a bit suspicious so I told them to follow us." Pieck said.

"Good work. I knew I could count on you to comeul with a plan B." I said before a rope dropped infront of my face.

"Porco go up first. Nyx is wearing a skirt and I'm not having you being a perv." Pieck said as she hugged me.

"You're wearing a skirt too genius!" Porco said as he jumped up onto the rope to begin his climb.

"Just go, I'll come up after you Nyx incase you need help." Pieck said.

"I'm not a baby, i'll be fine." I said.

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