1 - Unwilling Partners

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Authors note: After a lot of back and forth (for an embarrassing amount of time) I've decided to follow the storyline of Brotherhood. I have always had the biggest crush on Edward growing up. I went through some weird obsession phases, but nothing tops my Edward phase! I hope you all enjoy this series, please leave any feedback in the comments. Although I have proofread this 100+ times, if you do see any misspellings please point them out! I always appreciate it.

Warning: Language, mentions of murder and violence (duh)

A dramatic, drawn-out sigh pushed past your pouted lips. With each step forward, the feeling of guilt filled your gut and discouraged any will you had left. "If I tell them I lost him..." your shoulders slumped with the dropping of your spirits, "he'll take his shirt off and yell at me again..."

Your eyes followed your feet that carried you through the scenic route; the most round-about way to headquarters, where you agreed to meet your fate. Negative thoughts kept coming at full speed, you were almost a sickly blue color just thinking of your consequences as you approached the gates.

You heard shouting in the distance and curiously looked over your shoulder. Down the street, you saw a boy flailing his arms at a much larger suit of armor. They were familiar around the building, and the name Fullmetal was often brought up in conversation, but you didn't know the duo personally. After a moment of watching the strange scene ahead of you and a litter of kittens scurrying, you took in another deep breath and courageously walked onto the premise.

You tried your best to steer clear of everyone, not in the mood to make small talk. You meandered around the halls, buying more precious time. Unfortunately- you made it to your destination quicker than intended. A unmistakable voice from behind the large door made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

Your motivation dropped lower than before. "Maybe I should just fake my death and move far away..." you whispered to yourself.  You shook your head of negative thoughts and gathered up the courage to walk in, doing your best to stand confident when the moment came. The door creaked irritably so, and there stood a sparkly Major Armstrong and an agitated Colonel Roy Mustang.

I'm doomed.

"(Y/n)! You made it back alright, how was your journey tell me everything!" Armstrong was a little too happy. A knot formed in your throat as words got lost in the back of your mind somewhere.

"I found what we were looking for, I was able to set the hostages free," you stopped yourself. You didn't want to rat yourself out yet but the men before you seemed suspicious. "There were three men, they were all doctors. And, there were at least five others dead," you informed. "It's currently being investigated." You stood tall and saluted before bowing and turning towards the door.

"And, the culprit?" Roy questioned, to which your stomach dropped. Damn you Mustang... You cleared your throat and turned back to him.

"Well uh, that depends on what you mean by that... Uhm, what about him?" You tried to play it dumb for a bit, batting your eyelashes in an attempt to act innocent.

"You caught him, right?" Roy was grinning evilly.

"You see. He uh... well he escaped..." You whispered and looked everywhere in the room but him or the Major, but you felt the air thicken as he inched closer.

"He what?" Roy was pulling your leg. He was incredibly smart and you knew that. He was somehow always ten steps ahead of you.

"He escaped, okay? But I have a good lead!" You couldn't keep yourself together any longer, you melted down into a nervous wreck. When the Major stepped closer to you, you ran behind the couch. "Listen! He made his way South, I came to report on it and then I was gonna act. I have a good plan, so hear me out..." your voice trailed off when the Major got close to you, a shadow hid his facial expressions and you felt your soul leave your body. In an instant, his shirt was off and he was chasing after you around the room.

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