{Missing Peter (But Not For Long)}

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Requested on ao3 by escapingtodreams: I have a request for you to write but only if you like it.
Here it goes:
Can you write one regarding the covid lockdown period where peter is quarantined in queens ncz he wants to be with may and tony/pepper and the rest of the avengers are quarantined at the tower. Amd they didn't realise how much they relied or love peter and are missing him very much so much so that they are kinda touch starved amd want him for his adorableness and pureness in their tower/life like a physical presence. And then peter somehow comes to tower and fluff ensues. Maybe some additional online zoom class shenanigans.
I hope its okay😅
Its my first time request ever😅🙈

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I still don't own Marvel gays :(
(EDIT: I meant guys but this also works ig)

TW: FLOOF OVERLOAD. FLOOF HERE! FLOOF THERE! FLOOF EVERYWHERE!!!! Bully Flash, but he gets a real smackdown.


"I hate quarantine," Tony told the Avengers, who were spread out in the living room, bored to death.

"I never realized how much we depend on Peter," Sam groaned.

"I miss him too," Steve sulked, "Why can't he quarantine with us?"

"Because, for the millionth time, he wants to be with his aunt," Nat snapped, "He's an adorable ball of sunshine and wants to be there when May comes back from work."

The Avengers let out a groan in sync (Thor and Loki were in Asgard, Vision and Wanda were on their honeymoon). Pepper sighed and let her head fall on the kitchen island too. How did they never realize how much they depend on Peter? It seemed as if all the life had been sucked out from the tower when Peter wasn't there.


One hour later:

The Avengers were still laying around the living room. Pepper had joined Tony on the couch and was curled up against him.

"Why is it so quiet here?"

Everyone looked up so fast that their necks nearly cracked.




There stood Peter Benjamin Parker in all his adorable glory, wearing a mask and rubbing his hands with sanitizer which he tucked back in his duffle bag. He sent them a dazzling grin.

"Missed me?"

Bucky was the first to react. He threw himself over the back of the couch and tackled Peter in a huge hug. Nat and Steve followed, and soon, everyone was hugging Peter tightly.

"Guys-" Peter choked out, "Can't- breathe."

Everyone immediately released him. Tony stepped forward and scooped him in a tight hug and kissed his forehead.

"What are you doing here, kid?" Tony asked, resting his chin on Peter's head.

"May suggested it. She said that I was mostly home alone either way, so it would be better to quarantine with you guys. We can skype every day, and May feels less concerned about me staying alone at home," he shrugged.

"Tell May that I love her," Clint said, pushing Tony away to hug Peter himself.

"No I won't," Peter dryly said back.

Clint finally pulled back and Peter tilted his head at the other heroes.

"I'm still waiting for my individual hugs."

After nearly a month, the tower was filled with loud laughter again, with its sunshine back in place.


The Next Day:

"Alright, I have my online class now, and my camera and mic have to be on at all times. Do not make any noise. Clear?" Peter sternly said, setting up his things in the living room.

"Can one of us stay here with you?" Sam asked.

Peter's eyes softened. They had missed him a lot, that was apparent. Last night, they had all made a huge fort in the living room and cuddled with him. It was the best sleep all of them had in a month.

"Alright, just stay out of sight of the camera and stay quiet," he smiled when their faces lit up.

They had a quick but intense game of rock-paper-scissors, which Steve won, so he was the one staying with Peter, while the rest dispersed with a lot of whining.

Steve quickly ran off and got his sketchbook and pencils and laid down, resting his head on Peter's lap, and began sketching quietly. Peter smiled softly and logged into his first class, which was Physics.

"Alright, good morning class, today we will be..." Mrs. Warren droned on.

Peter took notes, absentmindedly playing with Steve's hair. The supersoldier relaxed and gently closed his sketchbook and set it down, simply enjoying Peter's presence and his slim fingers running through his hair. He was so happy to have Peter back.


"Continue working," Mrs. Warren said nearly 30 minutes later, "I'll be back soon." She got up and went out of frame.

"Oi Penis," Flash immediately jumped at the opportunity, "What terrible background filter have you put in?"

Peter stiffened and glanced at Steve, who had his eyebrows furrowed.

"Answer me, Penis Parker," Flash slammed his hands on his table like an angry toddler.

Steve sat up angrily.

"Who is that?" he asked Peter, in full view of the camera. 

Flash and the rest of the class had frozen. MJ was sketching madly. Ned was cackling.

"No one," Peter hastily reassured, "Calm down."

"Calm down? In the face of obvious bullying?" Steve asked.

Peter sighed. Where the hell is Mrs. Warren?

"FRIDAY, call Tony and the rest downstairs," Steve commanded.

"Of course, Captain Rogers," FRIDAY said, and Peter could swear he heard her cursing out Flash almost inaudibly in Irish.

"What is this I am hearing about Peter being bullied?" Tony asked, bursting into the room.

"You're hearing right," Steve curtly said as the others gathered in the room. Peter was just sitting there, his head in his hands.

Tony pulled the laptop towards himself and started typing rapidly, ignoring everyone's, "Ohmygod, it'sAnthonyEdwardStark."

"There," he said with satisfaction, "No one can leave the meeting now."

Flash paled even more.

"Now, who is the twerp who was bullying my son?"

Clint came into frame, cleaning the dirt under his fingernails with one of his explosive arrows (-m00nch1ld-). Nat followed him, taking knives out of nowhere and putting them back into place just as fast. Bucky leaned on the couch's headrest, metal arm gleaming. Sam had his arms folded, muscles bulging. Pepper was smiling sweetly, but everyone could see the dangerous undertone. Bruce was trying and failing to be intimidating. Steve and Tony were glaring stonily.

Mrs. Warren finally walked into the frame, saying "Sorry class, I had-"

She looked up, and her eyes widened when she noticed the Avengers.

"What did I miss?"

Peter Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now