{Morgan Visits Midtown}

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Disclaimer: I do not own MCU unfortunately. If I would, Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff would still be alive, kicking names and taking ass.

TW: Fluff. School.


It was the last class of the day and Peter was ready to jump out of the window. He sighed and rested his head in his head and blankly listened to his Italian teacher, Miss. Gonzales, drawl. 

Suddenly, the door burst open, and in the doorway, stood Morgan Stark.

Miss. Gonzales stared at the famous 5-year-old wide-eyed. Morgan had been exposed to the world by a journalist (who, on a totally unrelated note, no longer had a job). 

"Miss. Stark!" the  teacher exclaimed after a moment of silence, "Are you lost?" 

"No, no, I'm not lost," Morgan beamed, "Do you know where is Petey?" 

Peter, who had been staring at her wide-eyed, immediately got up. "Morgan?" She immediately cheered and ran up to him. "Petey," she giggled happily as he lifted her in his arms. 

"What the fuck," Flash whispered from somewhere near the back of the room. 

"Language Eugene, we have a kid in this room," Peter glared, "As for you Little Miss. How did you get here?" 

"Dr. Strange got me here," she said happily.

"Do mom and dad know?" Morgan's shoulders dropped. 

"It's okay Bug, hold on for a second." Peter settled her down on his seat and turned to his teacher. "Would it be alright if I called her parents?" The dumbstruck teacher nodded. "Wait here Little Miss, I'll talk to your dad to come here, okay?" Morgan nodded.

The moment Peter stepped out of the room, Morgan lifted her bright eyes and started searching for something. Eventually, her eyes settled on Ned and MJ. "Are you Mr. Ned and Miss MJ?" she asked. The two nodded.

"Petey talks about you two a lot," she exclaimed brightly. "Oh does he," Ned said, smirking, "What does he say?"

"He says that you are the greatest friend ever and he loves you with his whole heart," Morgan said, kicking her feet, not noticing Ned's eyes softening dramatically. "Oh and he calls Miss. MJ really pretty and scary but a great person," she exclaimed after a moment. MJ's cheeks became slightly red. 

"Principessa (Princess)?" Peter asked, poking his head in the room. Morgan's head immediately turned to him, "Here, dad wants to talk to you." He reached to his seat and kneeled beside her, placing the phone near her. 

"Maguna?" Tony Stark's voice exclaimed through the speaker, "Are you alright, baby?" 

"I'm fine daddy," Morgan said, "I just wanted to go to Petey."

"Alright Maguna, we are going to have a long talk later. Right now, stay with Petey, okay? I'll be there in five minutes." 

"Okay daddy," she said sweetly.

The ending dial tone rang through the silent classroom. 

"Miss. Gonzales, will it be alright if Morgan stays here for, like, five minutes?" Peter asked, looking at his teacher who seemed to be contemplating her existence.

"Yes Mr. Parker, no problems," she said softly.

"Are you her babysitter, Penis? That's how you know Tony Stark?" Flash finally sneered from the back of the classroom. Morgan immediately spun around to face him. 

"That's a bad word, you shouldn't say that," she scolded, "And Petey is my brother," she added. 

"Enough of that carina (cutie)," Peter said calmly, lifting her from his seat to sit down, then pulled her on his lap, "Would you like to tell me how you managed to get Dr. Strange to get you here?" 

"I said please and he listened to me," she said innocently. Peter muttered something under his breath that sounded like 'of course'. He let her play with his fingers for the next three minutes, running his other hand through her hair. 

On a totally unrelated note, numerous girls and boys and neither fell in love with Peter Parker that day.

"Maguna," the door burst open and Tony rushed inside the classroom in his Iron Man suit. The suit opened and he stumbled out of it, running up to Morgan and scooping her from Peter's lap into his arms. 

"Don't you ever do that again Morgan Stark," he breathed out. "Sorry daddy," came her tiny voice, muffled in his suit jacket. 

"Thank you, Bambi," Tony said to Peter, and to the surprise of everyone, set Morgan down and pulled him in a tight hug as well.

"Daddy," Morgan suddenly exclaimed, "That boy was calling Petey bad words," she pointed straight at Flash. 

"Oh, was he?" Tony said, eyes flashing dangerously.

"Leave it, Mr. Stark," Peter said quietly. 

Tony just glared at Flash, thousands of warnings going in his eyes, silently conveying what would happen if he even looked in Peter's direction again. Flash turned deathly white and nodded his head so hard it almost came off his neck. 

"We're outside in the car, okay baby? We'll go to the lake house today," Tony said softly to Peter. He nodded and smiled at his mentor/father and watched them go out of his class. "Bye-bye Petey," Morgan shouted from outside his door.

"Bye angioletto (angel)," Peter called out, smiling softly.

The class was silent for another two seconds.

"Marry me," Cindy suddenly blurted out. 

"What?" she demanded to everyone looking at her weirdly, "Look at him, he's absolutely perfect. He's handsome, good with kids, and did you all hear the nicknames he called her? He is literally everyone's dream husband."

"Zip it girls, this one's mine," MJ stated, smirking at a bright red Peter.


The class finally descended into chaos, Miss. Gonzales sitting on her desk with her head in her hands.

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