{Sister SNAPPED}

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Requested by anon: I desperately need an extremely dramatic one-shot where Peter is in some theatre club in his school or something and is some behind-the-scenes type of guy, but everyone just drops their work on him, so he SNAPS at everyone, including the teacher(pls make her a cruel sorta person) and students... and the principal? Maybe? Please? With a large bucket of oreos on the side and a glass of chocolate milk?


Disclaimer: I'm dam sure you know by now that I don't own MaRvEl.

TW: Overworked Petey-Pie. Savage Petey-Pie.


"Peter, are my dresses done?" Sally asked. 

Peter sighed. Volunteering to be the tech guy of the school play, 'Beauty and the Beast', was the worst thing he could have done. 

"No Sally, not yet," he said tiredly.

"Stop lagging and do your work," she huffed and walked away. Peter mentally screamed at her that it was not his job to do.

I will hurt them for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time, a dark part of Peter's mind whispered, A day will come when they think themselves safe and happy, and suddenly their joy will turn to ashes in their mouth, it cackled, then they'll know that the debt is paid.




"Peter, do this-"
"Peter, please do this-"
"Why haven't you done-"
"You're lagging-"
"Work harder-"

Peter sighed and looked at his notepad where he listed his tasks. He'll have to put away the voice's tempting thought. Right now, it looks like he'll have to buy another notepad for tomorrow.


"Why do you need another notepad, Peter," Tony asked, "Not refusing you, just curious," he added.

"Need it to note down my work for theatre," Peter muttered.

"How much work are you doing? Aren't you the tech guy?" Steve asked, concerned.

"I was, but now I am just someone who everyone is dumping their tasks on."

"Why are you letting them do this?" Nat called from her reclined position on the beanbag.

"I have too much responsibility on my shoulders. If I quit, the play will fail," Peter said miserably.

"Where's the teacher when all of this is happening?" Tony asked, hints of anger creeping in his voice.

"Mrs. Roach (mr_oakiedokee20) doesn't care as long as the work is done. Besides, she hates me and doesn't care about me at all, even when I collapsed in front of her," Peter shrugged.

"Oi Punk, you shouldn't need to have that much responsibility on you. You're the tech guy, you never agreed to do the rest of this. You aren't a permanent member of the play either. You volunteered," Bucky yelled from the kitchen.


"You're- You're right," Peter said after a moment, stunned, "I don't need to do all this."

"Definitely," Sam agreed.

"Go get 'em, Champ," Clint thumped his back.


"Parker," Mrs. Roach said in front of everyone the next day he entered the theatre, looking very gleeful, "You're removed from this position."

Peter Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now