{The Supersoldiers(A Sequel)}

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Requested by Mdawg225 on ao3: I wouldn't mind having a whole story about Peter Bucky & Steve with Peter being like he is in this story tho. I'd read it for sure.


Requested by run run run on ao3: You should do a second part where they (the school) find out the three of them are dating.

So I combined these two requests in one :D

TW: Floof.


Peter was sitting in the auditorium(you said the whole school gets to know they're dating, the whole school WILL get to know they're dating), bored out of his mind. He would rather spend his time with his boyfriends rather than sitting and listening to some seminar about career choices when he already knew he was going to work at SI. 

He pulled lightly at his lip ring, pretending not to notice people staring at him or Flash sitting far, far away from him. 

'God, if you're real, please let some miracle happen to save me from here.'

The door burst open.




"Hello. May we take Peter Parker with us?" Steve asked politely in the silent auditorium, hands behind his back.

"Hi, hello, we'll be taking our doll away from here," Bucky said, strutting in.

"Buck," Steve hissed. Bucky just rolled his eyes.

"This is the level of unbothered I dream to be," Ned whispered to Peter. Peter grinned at him.

"Hello, any of you there?" Steve snapped his fingers.

"Oh, sorry sirs," Principal Morita said, eyes wide, "We were actually having an important seminar on career choices. Mr. Parker needs to see this."

Bucky snorted and quickly located Peter with his eyes, motioning him to come to their side. "His career is already decided. He is going to be in a very important position in SI. Stark isn't going to let his prodigy go anywhere else."

Peter packed his bag and walked over to them, internally laughing. The entire school has never been this quiet.

"Что вы, ребята, здесь делаете?", he asked, smiling.
(What are you guys doing here?)

"Тор сказал, что вы молитесь долгое время, поэтому мы пришли посмотреть, что происходит. И мы не были бы хорошими любовниками, если бы позволили тебе страдать сейчас, не так ли?" Bucky grinned, pulling Peter closer to him by his waist.
(Thor said that you have been praying for a long time, so we came to see what was happening. And we wouldn't be good lovers if we let you suffer now, would we?)

"Hey, you both need to stop talking in Russian," Steve whined, pouting. Peter heard someone choke out a 'Captain America is whining and pouting?'

"Then you both need to stop flirting in German while I'm around," Bucky retorted.

Steve rolled his eyes and pulled Peter towards him, kissing his forehead, then his lips.

"Dayummmmmmmmmmm," Betty whistled.

Peter blushed and pushed Steve away, hitting his arm lightly.

"We'll be leaving," Peter told Principal Morita, then ran out, pulling Steve and Bucky along with him.

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