{...I'm in Class}

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Requested by gizochem25: Can you do more call-in-class one-shots?

Disclaimer: Twinkle twinkle little letter,
How I wonder what you have,
Oh my god, look at that,
It says that I don't Marvel at all.

...That was terrible excuse me I am killing myself.


Peter was sitting in his Physics class. Unfortunately, Ned wasn't with him in this class. Fortunately, he had MJ beside him.

I am Iron Man
Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all

Or if he moves will he fa-

"Mr. Parker," Mr. Harrington hissed furiously, "Why is your phone not on silent?"

"I have no idea," Peter lied through his teeth. He actually knew how. Mr. I-am-Iron-Man decided to hack into his phone to disable the silent mode during school hours.

"You know the rules. Answer your phone on speaker," Mr. Harrington said firmly.

Everyone looked at Peter pitifully, even Flash. Everyone hated this particular rule.

Peter hesitantly took out his phone and cursed inaudibly when he saw that it was a video call of all things.

He picked up the call and tried to ignore everyone's gasps when a clear hologram projected in front of him.

"Kiddie," Mr. Stark exclaimed, smiling brightly, "Why are you not here? Isn't today your internship day?" The classroom became very silent.

"Er, no Mr. Stark, it's Thursday today, remember?" Peter said meekly, "I come on Friday and the weekend."

"Um, no?" Mr. Stark snorted, "It's Friday kid."

Peter narrowed his eyes, forgetting about his class or his teacher.

"When was the last time you slept?"

His mentor smiled unconvincingly, "Uh, I just woke up from a two-hour nap."

"FRIDAY?" Peter asked, eyes not leaving Tony's.

"Boss last slept 79 hours ago," FRIDAY said dutifully, ignoring her boss' protests.


"Oh no," Mr. Stark whispered to himself.


"Technically, I didn't tell you, FRIDAY did..." he trailed off at Peter's furious glare.

"You are going to have a bath, eat something, then sleep," Peter said firmly.

"But I have work to do," Tony protested.

"My finger is twitching to go on the contact number that includes the digits 783 at the end," Peter said dangerously.

"NO," Tony exclaimed, immediately catching on, "Don't call Pepper. I'll go and sleep."

"FRIDAY? Can you text me once Mr. Stark goes to sleep?"

"Of course, Mr. Parker," FRIDAY said.

"Where even are you kid?" Mr. Stark asked suddenly.

"...I'm in class," Peter whispered, banging his head on a wall repeatedly in his mind. 

Tony laughed, "Good luck answering their questions, kid. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Whatever, Mr. Stark. Bye," Peter huffed.

Peter cut the call and sat down in his place, desperately trying to ignore everyone's eyes boring in his back. Beside him, he could see MJ twitching slightly.


Everyone simultaneously burst into questions. Peter curled a little in his seat, trying to hide.


MJ slammed her book on the desk and stood up.

"You guys have no right to question him," she said angrily, "Weren't you the people who continuously bullied him for apparently faking his internship? He isn't obliged to answer any of you."

She packed up her bag and swung it on her shoulder, pulling Peter up as well.

"We're leaving," she told Mr. Harrington, then walked out of class, pulling Peter with her.

"Thank you," Peter whispered, rubbing his ears.

"No problem loser," MJ smiled slightly at him.


EYY two updates in one day for you guys :D

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