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I just wanted to let y'all know that if you are comfortable/uncomfortable with any set of pronouns, or if there are any adjectives you don't want to be referred as, please let me know <3<3 I promise I'll remember them, I've even noted down the pronouns of a few people who've told me what they're uncomfortable/comfortable with. 

If I somehow misgender you or anything I say makes you feel uncomfortable, or if there is any point in my book where I haven't used gender-inclusive language, please let me know.

If you're genderfluid, and if you comment, put in brackets whatever pronouns you want to be referred to as that day at the end of the comment.

And please correct me if I do something wrong and/or offensive. I live in a very conservative country and I come from a religious family, so I don't know very much about the LGBTQ+ community other than what I've researched online. I might mess up, so please let me know if I do, okay?

Thank you so much :D
Have a great day <3<3

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