{Call in Class}

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Disclaimer: As talented as you think I might be, I don't own MCU.

TW: School. Bullying.



"Is that your phone Mr. Parker?" Mrs. Warren, his English teacher questioned furiously. 

"I... think so. Sorry, Mrs. Warren," Peter Parker nervously said, fumbling for his phone.

"Since your call is important enough to interrupt me, answer your phone on speaker," she said angrily.

Peter quietly accepted the call and put it on speaker, ignoring Flash's loud taunts, "Hello?"

"Peter Benjamin Parker," Tony Stark's voice came through the speakerphone. The entire class quietened down, "Why- exactly- is my entire lab covered in sticky notes?"

Peter scoffed, momentarily forgetting about his class, "You know what you did, Mr. Stark. You shouldn't have eaten my pizza."

"You little piece of shi-," Tony started.

"Who have you paid to pretend to be Tony Stark, huh, Penis?" Flash suddenly said.

The phone was completely silent. Peter had his eyes squeezed shut.

"Pete, who was that, and where are you?" Tony said, and thanks to his super-hearing, Peter heard the soft sound of the Iron Man armor engulfing him.

"I'm in my English class Mr. Stark, and you're on speaker," Peter said softly, desperately wishing that Flash would stop his chants of 'Penis Parker' from the back of the class.

"You're in class then. Why isn't your teacher doing anything about the bullying happening in the class?"

Flash jumped from his seat and snatched the phone out of Peter's hand, "Listen hear, you old fool who Penis paid to pretend to be Stark. I am Flash Thompson and I am not a bully. Penis just deserves what I put him through for being a poor, worthless orphan and lying about his Stark Internship," he laughed mockingly. Mrs. Warren very pointedly looked away from her two students.

There was a moment of silence, then the end dial tone rang through the silent classroom. 

"I would move away from the window if I were you," Peter said wincing slightly. Ned and MJ sniggered in their hands and Peter could see a vague outline of Flash's face in MJ's crisis book. Traitors, Peter thought.

"Why would we do that Penis?-,"

The window crashed into pieces as the Iron Man armor entered the classroom. His classmates screamed.

The mask of the suit retracted, and Tony Stark raised his hand as the repulsor charged.

"Which one of you is Flash Thompson?"

Flash, who had gone very pale, didn't move a single muscle. Tony raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the boy, showing that he obviously knew who Flash was, and turned to Mrs. Warren, who had also turned white.

"Well, why don't you tell me, Miss Teacher? Why weren't you doing anything when my kid was being bullied?" Tony's face was a picture of serenity, no emotion present on his face, but his eyes were burning with such intense rage, they nearly burnt a hole through his sunglasses.

"I'll tell you," MJ's silky voice came, "Flash is an immature bully and Peter is an easy target because he refuses to hurt a hair on that idiot's head even if he deserves it," MJ ignored Peter's obvious signs to cut it out, "Flash's bullying of Peter is rooted in his own insecurities and wanting to feel better about himself. Peter is poorer financially when compared to Flash, but Peter is smarter and has people who like him because he is not a jerk. Flash for reasons unknown, zeroed in on Peter being a weak link, and putting Peter down made him feel better. Physically bullies him every day after school. Mentally bullies every single time Peter is within his vicinity, even during the lessons, because he knows that his parents will get him out of everything and the staff here loves taking bribes."

Tony was quiet for the next five seconds. Nobody moved a muscle as they watched in growing horror the sheer fury that painted his face.

Peter quietly fidgeted in his place. He'll have to let Mr. Stark do his thing. The only time Peter had seen such an expression on the older man's face was when a man tried to harass Pepper right in front of him. 'May God be with you Eugene,' Peter thought to himself.

"You," Tony pointed straight at Mrs. Warren, "You are going to get me a meeting arranged with your principal, all the teachers, and the school board. Am I clear?" Mrs. Warren stayed stock still, a continuous mantra going through her head: we'rescrewedwe'rescrewedwe'rescrewedwe'rescrewedwe'rescrewedwe'rescrewedwe'rescrewed 

"AM I FUCKING CLEAR?" Tony roared.

 Mrs. Warren jolted to life, immediately running over to her computer, "Y-Yes Mr. Stark," she stuttered, shaky fingers trying to desperately write an email.

"And you," Tony looked at Flash, who seemed as if he was going to pee his pants any second, "You are used to your parents buying your way out of everything, right?" Flash stayed quiet. "Try and get your parents to get you out of the lawsuit I am filing for physical and mental abuse during and even after school hours. I have over 1000 hours of footage of all acts of bullying from you since middle school, and your parents will be lucky to ever see sunlight again. And you will be lucky to even have a career." Flash turned even whiter if possible, tinges of green creeping on his face.

"Come on kid, we're leaving," Tony said, the Iron Man helmet covering him again. He walked out of the class and Peter rushed after him. He paused at the doorway for a moment. "I'll try to get Mr. Stark to not do anything drastic, but it'll be difficult," he then turned and walked out briskly. 

MJ stood up from her place, pulling Ned up with her. She looked Flash and Mrs.Warren dead in the eyes and said, 

"You deserve this."

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