jungkook smiled liking the way Yoongi's reaction but he seriously doesn't see any problem with the term 'jeon' added with yoongi name.

"jeon yoongi? " yoongi whispered confused and jungkook's dick twitched making his eyes widen, he looked at yoongi who was still lost. Unaware of his surrounding.

Crossing his legs Jungkook dug his nails in his palm trying to calm himself down as he turned his head away from yoongi, knowing it won't end well of he didn't stop then.

"oh? You're a Min?woah! Your name is quite beautiful yoongi-shi. I am jung hoseok, jungkook's bodyguard. But you can call me hobi or hoba if you want" hoseok offered with a polite smile looking at yoongi.

Yoongi found him eccentric. I mean, who talk to someone they don't know and why would he compliment yoongi for every single thing.

But then again, yoongi couldn't help but feel a bit welcomed by the other because of his cheerful nature. He smiled at him assuring him that he heard him.

Jungkook bit his inner cheek, his tongue stroking the area he just bit feeling a faint taste of iron. Looking at the pair talk to each other make him feel threatened.

"you said you were jungkook's older brother? How old are you?I mean, you don't look old" hoseok asked and jungkook frowned.

He opened his mouth to answer instead of yoongi but it hit him that he didn't know when was yoongi born or he forgot would be a better term to describe the situation.

"I am 26, which make me -" yoongi looked at jungkook confused. Jungkook did the same before he spoke up "3 years" jungkook replied.

"yeah, 3 years older than jungkook" yoongi said nodding. Still trying to digest the fact that he was three whole years older than the latter.

"woah! You don't look that old! Three years older makes you a year older than me too, as I am a tear older than our jungkook-ie~" hoseok cooed.

Jungkook smiled watching hoseok beam but his breath hitched as hoseok suddenly said "please take care of me yoongi hyung!" he glared at the older who laughed hysterically.

Yoongi was still wearing an amused smile while nodding at the younger's words. Rethinking his judgement about hoseok as he didn't look like a bad person at all, yoongi considered trying to know the person.

Jungkook didn't know what to think anymore or if him bringing to the office was even a good choice as the mare presence of hoseok was screaming danger.

Even the way yoongi behaved around him was different from how he was around jungkook.

After having enough of the friendship bullshit jungkook snapped "hoseok! Please keep your attention on the road!" and the latter quickly turned his face to focus on the road in front of the road.

The car fell silent just the way jungkook liked it. 'fuck' jungkook mumbled under his breath as he took out his phone pushing all the thoughts away.

He looked at the older who was busy checking hoseok out. 'I really want to lock him up' he thought biting his lips.

He dashed inside the office not wanting to spend more time with yoongi, knowing how he could do something rash at the moment.

"you should get the paperwork done before going to your cubicle" jungkook suggested looking away. And yoongi looked at him confused.

"here" jungkook said placing the papers on the table yoongi took the chair continuing to go through the papers. And jungkook sat on the table in front of yoongi.

Yoongi's hand halted as the work was done and he looked up to find a pair of eyes already looking at him.

"you look happy. Do you like him calling you 'hyung' that much, huh?" jungkook asked with the dark eyes and yoongi frowned. Not because of what jungkook said but because of the fact that thing jungkook was teasing him for was actually true.

And that he actually felt good when hoseok called him hyung. A part of him felt proud and important. And there was nothing wrong with it. But there was no way he was going to make it obvious.

"what are you say-" yoongi was about to complete when jungkook placed his finger infer Yoongi's chin yanking his face up suddenly making him gasp.

"you know what I am saying yoongi. Don't play dumb. Don't get too close with him or you'll see the worse" jungkook warned and a shiver traveled down Yoongi's spine.

"I g-get it" yoongi agreed not wanting to provoke jungkook. And the Younger's expressions soften visibly.

The door opened suddenly and jungkook jumped off the table standing straight as hoseok entered the room.

"oh shi-! I mean sorry I forgot to knock! You want me to go back and come again!?" hoseok asked and yoongi tried hard to not show any evidence of smile on his face.

"No need just come" jungkook said andd the older placed the files on the table looking at yoongi now.

"you should go back too" jungkook advices yoongi and yoongi looked at him ready to say something.

"I'll show you your place hyung! Let's go!" hoseok said cheering and jungkook realised that yoongi wasn't aware of the building yet.

A defeated sigh left his lips as he gestured yoongi to leave and the older left with hoseok.

"fuck, its driving me crazy! " jungkook cursed pulling his hair as the transparent door showed the pair walking away laughing together.


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