"Did Disha went outside?" I say as soon as he picks up.

"Um yes sir."

"The FUCKING. HELL. I told you not to let anyone leave and you tell me you let her leave...... WHY. THE. FUCKING. HELL. DIDN'T. YOU. TOLD. ME. I had clearly mentioned that not to let anyone leave and..... what you did? The opposite..... Bravo. I should really kill you as your reward." I shout. This fucking security can't even do a small thing right.

Don't panic vihaan she had promised that she would not leave me. I am sure she has gone just for a walk and....she doesn't know about this place properly. I am sure she will come in few minutes.

"So-sorry sir but Mrs Malhotra told us that she wanted some medicine and didn't.... wanted you to know so.....so we let her leave."

"And you didn't find it right to inform me?" These stupid people. I just want to kill him right now.

"Sir w-we th-thought that mrs Malhotra was all-allowed to go."

"And what 'not to let anyone leave' means to you? Huh. DAMNIT. ANSWER. ME. FUCKER." I shout. His answers are making me more angry.

But the otherside remains quite. I talk a deep breath to snap out.

"When did she left?" I ask in a calm way.

Disha can't break the promise. I know she wouldn't leave me and....and she can't live without me. We are oxygen for each other. And one doesn't leaves the person whom one loves.

"Sir it has been 3 hours...." I end the call without listening to his further blabber. What should I do? My brain is not working. My Disha, my buttercup can't leave me. We promised. I shouldn't have let her be alone. I should have been with her.

I don't know from where to start. I again take a deep breath and do what came to my mind first

I again go to the computer and play the video of 3 hours before. There she is. My heart stops as I see her stopping in the middle of the hallway and watching me or more precisely the camera. A tear rolls down from her left eye my follow just after her. Another from other eye. She mouths something.

I play the video again to understand what she said. Again a tear rolled down listening to her.

"I love you vihaan but now this love hurts."

"No no what does that mean." I shout to no one in special. Did she really left me. Left me alone in this huge mansion which I made only for her. And for what just for removing that thing... now I pat myself for doing it. If without been alive that thing can do so much than what crises would he/she would have brought been alive.

Immediately I call all the influential people of this city and tell them to lock this city. At first they didn't agreed but when I used my father's name they instantly agreed. I had never used my father's name in my business.

I just hope where ever she is, she is safe and sound. I take my car keys and roam in the whole city asking random people about her like foolish person as most of the people already know her as the daughter in law of great The Raj Malhotra and wife of Malhotra empire's heir Vihaan Malhotra.

Fuck this can make her life more dangerous. Fuck fuck fuck.

I immediately call Liam, head of all police departments of this city. "Did you find anything?"

"Sir we have already checked every means which can allow one person to go out of the city but from every place only one answer came and that is 'no'....... Wait sir I just got a mail and you need to come to pike Street fast."

Immediately I start my car and drive towards the pike Street. I hope that they have my disha. And this time I would make sure to take more precautions and avoid getting her pregnant. I would tell her to have a sterilisation operation. I should have had it done after marriage only. I reached the pike street in fifteen minutes. I pace towards Liam. He is standing near a headlight.

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