Chapter Twenty-Four: Here We Go Again

Start from the beginning

Antonio stands at the front, texting frantically away. Sophie and Georgia are in the far corner. Georgia's face is like a porcelain doll, so still and fragile. Her face is puffy and I think she has cried all the moister out of her body.

I make my way over to Sarah and Bishop who as usual are sat up at the back. I pull up a chair next to Bishop who whispers in my ear, "Crazy."

I nod, eyes wide, in agreement. This is crazy. This is unheard of.

The door swings open and in walks Alex. I look down so I don't have to look at him in the eyes. He pulls up a chair next to Jack and sits down in a huff.

Finally, Antonio looks up from his phone. "Ah, welcome everyone."

There is nothing welcoming about this, though is there?

"As we know the thieves have taken another one of our lovely horses."

Georgia lets out a weep.

"The police are on it as we speak and I am sure we are closing to catching them than ever," Antonio states, lying through his teeth.

I cross my arms. How could he try and make this situation sound lighter than it is?

"But I have other news for you all that I am telling you to try and lighten our spirits," Antonio continues.

I let out a maybe to audible scoff.

"Err, yes. Umm, to keep our hopes high and to keep as many people still around the stable at night as we can, the annual Winter Ball will still go ahead next week."

A ball! Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. 

From the corner of my eye, I can see people murmur to each other and even a few smiles from the girls. How could this possibly make up for another stolen horse?

"One last piece of news I have for everyone is that in three weeks we will be attending another show, the Sydney Winter Classic and I expect for us to be in tip-top shape for that."

"What?" I yell from the back of the room. 

Antonio looks up at me, clearly flustered.

Why on Earth does he think going to another show would be good?

"We need to keep our minds off things, Maddie and-"

"You mean off finding these horses?"


"Well that's what it sounds," I shout jumping up from my seat. "Just to remind you, one of the thieves was seen by Sophie and me snooping around our trailers at the last show."

I look to Sophie for support but she just buries her head deeper in her hoodie. Typical.

"It isn't safe to go to another show," I complain.

Antonio doesn't reply for a moment. "Trust me, Maddie, this is one of the best things to do."

"No!" I shout stamping my foot to the ground. "One of the best things to do is going looking for these missing horses."

"We do not have the power to do that," Antonio replies, his voice starting to get angrier.

"What are we doing sitting here anyway," I stress, "talking about balls and shows and celebrations? There are way more important things to do."

"Maddie, sit down," Antonio instructs. 

I roll my eyes. "How could I when horses are being taken from under our noses. My own horse isn't safe anymore."

"Maddie. Sit!" Antonio shouts.

"Georgia's horse was taken an hour ago and we are moving on way too quickly," I scold.

"Maddie..." Georgia sniffs, trying to stop my rage.

"No, Georgia. Your horse was taken and no one seems to want to find out who did it!"

"Madison! That is unfair and disrespectful for you to say," barks Antonio.

"Maddie! Sit down," Georgia cries.

"No! You all are just sitting there when we could be doing something. Clearly, this whole thief thing is an inside job. We have a mole inside SEC."

"Do you not hear yourself?" screams Georgia.

I go silent.

"My horse has been taken from me, okay? You're all, "We need to go save the day." But guess what? We can't! Ever since you got here you have just tried being this supergirl, saving us from the thieves but it has not worked!"

Georgia's eyes start leaking again. 

I'm stunned for a moment. I slowly start to sit back down, every pair of eyes watching me. I feel like an idiot and have made a fool of myself. What was I even saying? Antonio is trying the best he can.

Everyone is still looking at me though. My words had clearly left an impression. It even takes a minute for Antonio to start speaking again. I had got them thinking finally (and maybe myself too) that what if it was an inside job?

Because if I am right about Justin, we are all just sitting ducks.

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