Chapter II: A Forgotten Past

Start from the beginning

"Why the hell are you with Blossom?!" He asked.

"What's your problem? What the hell are you talking about?" I replied. 

"Don't lie to me you son of a bitch!" 

"No need to swear, I'll remember." I said sarcastically. "Ah, you mean earlier, we were talking. Anything wrong?"

"She's mine, so BACK OFF!" He threatens.

"Oh, she's yours, how come she doesn't linger around you? Instead she's around me?" I bragged to him but he punched me harder on the face, causing my mouth bleed.

"Hey! after you took my money you're just gonna punch me like that?!"

"Heh, you're just a bitch, who's all talk but no action. So shut it! Blossom's mine and mine only! Don't go on taking what should be mine!" What a jealous person,  it was only a matter of time when Ms. Miranda came in the classroom thirty minutes before the time, or else this would have turned ugly.

"The two of you, stop it now!" She commanded.

Great, there'll be rumors after this.

"Josh, let's talk at the guidance office later today. William, come with me and we'll treat your wounds right this instant!" 

"Yes ma'am." Goddamn she's scary as hell, this is why I want to keep a low profile.

Ms. Miranda leads me to the nurse's office while Josh was brought to the guidance counsellor to confess his mistakes. Meanwhile in the clinic.

"There, I think you can get back to class with your wounds treated." She said while packing up.

"Thank you ma'am, I appreciate it." I thanked her with all of my heart. "By the way, how come you heard our quarrel?"

"I was close to the classroom when all of the sudden I heard shouting, I was enjoying my nice cup of coffee you know? Glad I was able to stop it before it escalated even more."

"Sorry you got heaped into our mess ma'am, he's been like this since earlier with his friends. They even took my money in the process." I said to her, and I don't like being the snitch.

She sighs "People these days, be sure to be careful, okay? Next time I won't be there to help you." She advised.

"I'll be careful." I assured to her.

"Here, more ice for your bruises and head back to class." I took the ice bag and nodded then went back to class, a lot of my classmates were waiting at the front door. I was expecting negative gossips but they all checked out on me. Could this be the first time I get into the circle of many people? Boy this looks fun.

The class has started and Josh comes back from the Guidance Counsellor staring at me the whole time, even when class is ongoing I can still feel is sharp gaze onto me. The first half of classes has finally ended and lunch break has started, I hurried to the cafeteria but I was stopped by Josh to give back my extra pocket money and wallet.

"I'm sorry for what I did before, I won't do it again." He said.

"It's alright, it did hurt though." I know he's going to do it again and he won't stop until he gets satisfaction from it.

"Just die already bitch!" He whispered.

It didn't really matter to me so I now hurried to get to the cafeteria, got my food, and sat on my spot yesterday. I noticed someone approaching behind me, It was Blossom. Oh how glad am I to see her again.

"Hey Will." She gasped. " What happened to your face? Who did this?" She continued.

"Just got my good morning punch from a classmate earlier saying that he "claims you" so, I defended you." I said.

An 18-Year-Old Teen Who Became A Monstrous FiendWhere stories live. Discover now