Fuck... last night was fucking insane.

I sighed deeply, preparing myself to struggle out of Kai's grip.

I swear how does this guy have this much strength in his sleep? It's like he has a whole 'nother quirk!

After struggling out of his grip without magically waking him. I sneak into the bathroom seeing as I'm only wearing Kai's shirt and panties. My neck has few deep purple love bites, they're huge too. I shake it off as I do my business, brushing my teeth and hair before heading out to put on sweats and looked for my phone. I couldn't find it so I snuck out of the room Kai and I was in and into the kitchen, whereas I found my purse. Phone is dead so I charge it while I start breakfast, halfway through I look at the clock: 2:28pm.

Holy fuck... we were sleeping all this time? When did I even pass out never mind?

After setting the table ready and breakfast, Kai walks in wearing only his sweats that lazily hung low on his v-line. I blush at the sight of him while he yawned and ruffling his bedhead. He walked over and his arms snaked behind my back as he kissed me deeply, he pulled away and smirked.

"Goodmorning my Darling" his morning voice was something I can never get sick of.

"Goodmorning to you too Kai" i smiled as we then sat ourselves down and ate our breakfast.

We ate in silence but exchanging a couple glances and smiles before we finished and cleaned up.

The rest of the afternoon we didn't do much aside from just laying up on each other at home and binge watching movies of my choice because Kai's were boring after we watched a few of his. After a long while, I hadn't noticed the time because it was pitch dark outside do I decided to finally check my phone. 30 missed calls from Valentine, 57 unanswered texts, other missed calls from both Todoroki and Mirko for some reason. I call Valentine.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU'RE ALIVE!" She screamed through the phone.

"Yeah, yeah. Uhm... fuck, last night was crazy huh?" I asked as I remembered about Kai and I, almost completely forgetting his men shot up the club.

"Well DUH! Sweetums where are you? Are you okay?" She frantically asked.

"Yes sweetie I'm good, I promise. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course. Of course. Look, come to my house alright? I wanna know you're okay" as she spoke, she sounded a bit skeptical.

"Uhm... yeah, sure. I'll be there in 15" we then hung up and I went looking for my keys, basically rushing out of the house before being pulled into strong arms.

"Now now, where is miss L/n going at such a late time?" Kai growled into my ear that sent shivers down my spine.

"Valentine is asking me to go to her place right now, mainly because of your shenanigans you pulled last night" I giggled as I began feeling a bit ticklish from how Kai breathed down my neck.

"Fine, I'll drive you. No buts, or ifs okay?" Kai demanded as he spun me around and I wrap my arms behind his neck. I nod as I kissed him.

"No problem, now let's go" I said a bit eagerly since my nerves of worry began flaring up of Valentines state. She had a tendency of saying she's okay even if she wasn't.

About 15 minutes later, kai and I pulled up to my friends but of course Kai stayed in the car. I knocked on the door and was soon greeted with a guy by Valentine and I returned it then sat in the kitchen as she poured us a shot.

"So what's up Valentine? You seem okay... right?" I asked.

"Of course it's just.. fuck Y/n, you're man kinda fucked up.." she sighed deeply as she handed me a shot.

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