Chapter Fifty-Three

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Utter panic, overwhelming emotions crashing down at full force. Yoongi's lips trembled and his body shook. He couldn't move. His whole person was inundated with the severe urge to curl up and cry his heart out but his mind denied him such comfort.

Mr Min edged closer to him, just one step had Yoongi terrified. "S-stay the fuck away!" Yoongi screamed in fear raising his hand to protect himself.

Why? Why now? Why was he here? Everything was going well in his life and seeing the man he held the upmost hatred for standing in front of him had him panic-stricken, like he was crumbling into tiny pieces.

Mr Min took a step back. He felt himself crack observing the sheer effect his presence had on his son. He knew he was awful to him but seeing the true effect his actions had made was his tipping point. Even a terrible father is still a father whether they deserve the title or not and seeing his son in such a terrible state broke him. He did this. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

With his head burried in his legs, Yoongi had surrendered as he slumped onto the floor, clutching his knees to his chest. He wanted nothing more than to be back home. He wanted Hoseok, he needed him.

Mr Min tentatively edged his way closer to Yoongi not wanting to startle him and cause him anymore distress. He knelt down in front of Yoongi keeping a respective distance.

"Yoongi. I'm so sorry. I'm not just saying it because I think it will help. I'm saying it because I mean it. I know my word means nothing to you. I know I never treated you in the way you deserved. I let the pain of losing your mother take over, I lost myself in grief." He said holding back his own tears.

Yoongi lifted his head slightly looking at the man in front of him. He had no intention of forgiving him but he wanted to know, he deserved to know everything he was saying.

Mr Min sighed wiping his eyes. "When I married your mother, I promised myself I'd never hurt her and I'd love her unconditionally. She deserved that because she was the human embodiment of kindness. She was ready to be a mother way before you. But she was a mother without a baby. "

"She found out early on in our marriage that the possibility of her having kids was slim. The woman who was a mother at heart was cursed to never be one. So when she found out she was pregnant with you she swore on everything to keep you safe. Her smile that day lasted a week."

Yoongi smiled slightly hearing about his mother. He knew nothing about her, not even Di-Seong had told him anything about her. He didnt know her but he loved her. The situation wasn't ideal but he wanted to know.

"W-What was she l-like?" Yoongi breathed out.

Mr Min sadly smiled pulling out a small stack of pictures from his pocket. He set them down on the floor and gently pushed them across the floor towards Yoongi.

Yoongi lowered his legs from his chest and raised his head taking hold of the photos. 

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"She was beautiful, too beautiful for me but she chose me for god knows what reason

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"She was beautiful, too beautiful for me but she chose me for god knows what reason. I loved her more than anything. She always had a smile on her face. Everyone who ever met her loved her she was just that kind of person. She was selfless and full of kindness. I was lucky to have her. "

"You look just like her." Mr Min said looking at his son. "Even as a baby I could see it, you were here in male form. Her exact replica. It was your eyes that gave it away. As you grew up you looked more and more like her. It wasn't your fault I realise now, now that it's too late." Mr Min said sounding defeated.

"She was a mother till the moment she died, she protected you and paid the biggest price for it but I think she would have done it over and over again. Because you were her 'little miracle' as she liked to call you."

"If she was here right now, she would have murdered me infinite times already because I let her baby grow up without knowing just how special he was to her. That I let you grow up not knowing you were loved. That I treated you the way I did."

"I know I can never make up for everything I did, but I do ask that you keep these photos and remember that she loved you endlessly. She was the parent you deserved, the wrong parent died the day you were born because I was never fit to be a father and the way I treated you proves that."

"So, won't sit here and beg for forgiveness that I don't deserve. Instead, I'll tell you I'm truly sorry and leave it at that." Mr Min finished off looking up into the tearful eyes of his son before standing up and heading to the door. He took one last look at Yoongi before turning around.

"T-Thank you." Yoongi whispered making Mr Min stop dead in his tracks and look back to Yoongi.

Yoongi stood up wiping his eyes. "I can't forgive you for what you've done, but I will thank you." Yoongi said taking a deep breath.

"I'll thank you, because without you I wouldn't have met him." Yoongi said bracing himself.

Mr Min furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "If you hadn't pushed me to leave, I would have never truly been myself and I wouldn't have met the man I love... ". Yoongi confessed.

Mr Min sighed a sad smile forming on his face. "Have a happy life... son." he said before turning around and leaving.

Yoongi stood there frozen letting go of a breath he didn't know he was holding before he smiled slightly. His head shot up at the sound of Hoseok's voice calling for him. He quickly grabbed hold of the bag, putting the photos of his mother in his pocket and ran out of the room.

When he spotted Hoseok he threw himself into him wrapping his arms around him tightly and cried for the first time in a while happy tears. Hoseok wrapped his arms around Yoongi looking down at his boyfriend.

"What's this for?" Hoseok smiled.

"I love you." Yoongi said bringing his head up and wiping his tears smiling up at Hoseok.

Hoseok smiled gently wiping Yoongi's tears. "Let's go home." he said Yoongi nodding.

The two left the huge house for the final time, a smiling Mr Min watching them from the window.

"A-Yeong love, your son is finally safe." he said to himself as Hoseok and Yoongi disappeared beyond the gate. 

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