Chapter Nine

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It has been 2 weeks since me and Hoseok started messaging eachother. It keeps getting harder and harder to keep rejecting Hoseok's inviations to places. I'm sure he's getting quite annoyed by this point. 

Meanwhile, the 4 walls on my house have never felt smaller and more lonley. Me and Hoseok talk everyday, its a miracle I havent been caught by my father yet and I pray that day never comes. My daily chats with Hoseok have become the best parts of my day. 

I really wish I could meet him just one more time, just once. I wouldn't care if I got caught, I wouldn't carewaht type of abuse or punishment I got from my father afterwards. I think seeing Hoseok again would make it all worth it.

Throughout, the weeks Hoseok has told me so much about himself and his life, It's like I actully know him. I feel bad becasue he has been so open with me and Obviously I've responded to his questions but I've been nowhere near as open and honest as he has. It's just hard. How can I expect a guy I met once for a couple minutes to care enough to listen and understand my life. 




It was around 3pm, I was sat around a small table in the local coffee shop, although I wasnt a fan of coffee, I still enjoyed the cake and pies. I was sat with my friends Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung they were all engaged in a conversation amoung themselves. 

I loved being around his friends, especailly when they were all together, but my friends Jimin and Jungkook were busy today and couldn't make it. Me and the others were having a good time anyway. 

I was really close with all my friends, Jin and Namjoon had been married for the past 2 years and I'd been one of the best men.  Tae and Jungkook were together too they were the most sickly people to watch, always touchy and overly affectionate in public. I may have just been bitter though as I'm not in a relationship myslef.

I was thrown from my thoughs when Jin waved his hand infront of my face. " I know I'm handsome but there is no need to stare." I rolled my eyes in response and a smile spread across my face. 

" Sorry I was lost in thought."

"Anything in particular? You seemed pretty deep in thought." Joon responded

"no, nothing new."

"So how's the mystery guy your always texting?" 

" I'm not sure Tae, we talk all the time but everytime I ask him anything he goes quiet."

"I can't even get him to agree to come out with us, he just says he's always busy."

"hmm... you seem to like him alot. You text him more than you do us." Jin added.

"Its's nothing perosnal, he's just really easy to talk to and we get along so well."

"How can I enjoy talking to someone this much when I've only met them once for a few minutes?"

"I really wanna see him again, and I want you guys to meet him too."

"What did you say his name was?" Joon piped in. 

"I don't think you've ever told us" Tae leaned in resting his elbows on the table. 

"I- I don't think I should tell you. You'd just get the wrong idea"

"Oh come on you can't leave us hanging like that" Jin retorted. 

I let out a sigh and hung my head a little, It wasn't that I didn't want to tell them It was just. I didn't know how comfortable Yoongi would have been with me spreading his name around, It seemed only a few knew him as Yoongi most just referred to him as the Min son. 

I also didnt really want them to assume they knew him through all the rumours and false information that was posted everywhere. I wanted them to meet him first and make their own opinnions. 

"I don't think he'd be too happy if I told you his name, he doesn't share it with many people."

"oh come on Hobi, you've got to give us something here, he's clearly important to you and we just want to make sure you know what you're doing. Doesn't the whole thing sound a slight bit shady to you" Jin fired back. 

"He, never meets you, you haven't seen his face, you've only met him briefly, he doesn't give you much information about his life and now with the whole name thing were getting a bit worried that maybe this guy isn't who he says he is."

"He's got a point Hobi, I mean we all want to believe this guy exists and is who he says he is, but the evidence you've given us doesn't exactly help" 

"Don't you think I know that Joon" I said as i hung my head. 

My head quickly rose however when I heard the ding on my phone which was sat on the table next to me. The sound was obviously heard by the other who also looked down in the direction of my screen. 

I gave them a look that said "do I check it" and they clearly understood because they all gave a small nod. 

I picked up my phone. 

"Is it him" Jin said finally breaking the silence

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"Is it him" Jin said finally breaking the silence. I nod in response still looking down at the message. 

"What did he say?"

I put my phone down and slid it to the middle of the table for them to read. 

"I don't get it what's the big deal, seems pretty normal to me" Tae responded. 

"Call him" Jin suddenly said making my head whip round to look at him.

"Are you crazy!?"

"We've never done that before, what if he thinks its weird and doesnt answer"

"and what if he does answer..." Joon spoke in a reasurring tone.


Ohh... were getting places now! Also can we appreciate my motivation today, three chapters in the same day thats pretty good going. Anyway hope to see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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