Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hoseok and Yoongi barged through the door to Hoseok's apartment, their shopping bag from earlier in their arms both doubling over in laughter from some stupid joke Hoseok had told.

Walking into the hallway the door closing behind them the two remained in their own world. When their laughter finally cleared, they removed their shoes and put down their bags by the door.

The two males found themselves smiling at each other.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Hoseok asked the elder leading them both into the living room and sitting down.

"I loved it." Yoongi said with a wide smile on his face.

"Thank you" Yoongi continued before leaning over and placing a peck on Hoseok's cheek. His face flushing bright red as he pulled away looking down at his hands. Hoseok felt his heart flutter as he smiled at the elder.

A thought then crossed Hoseok's mind, which had his lips curving upwards more than they already were. "So do you think I deserve that kiss I promised earlier?"

Yoongi looked up at Hoseok who was smiling at him, his face flushing an even darker shade of red looking at the younger. That smile had quickly become his weakness it never failed to make him nervous, never failed to cause butterflies to flutter in his stomach. He bit his lip nervously as he gently nodded, yes, he had already kissed Hoseok man times but something about this time felt different.

This wasn't going to just be a kiss; this one wasn't something they let happen or had no meaning. This one meant something, it meant that a romantic relationship was possible.

Hoseok cupped the elder's cheek bringing his face level with his, both males looking each other directly at one another. Hoseok's eyes flicked down to Yoongi's pink lips which were slightly parted. Hoseok looked back up meeting eyes with Yoongi.

Hoseok slowly leaned in both male's warm breath fanning over their faces from the proximity of their lips.

Yoongi bit his lip watching as Hoseok edged closer his eyes now fixed on Hoseok's lips. As their lips met Hoseok felt Yoongi tense slightly to which he cupped Yoongi's cheek rubbing his thumb over it.

Their lips moved softly against each other fitting perfectly. The kiss wasn't rushed or heated at all it was sweet and gentle. The two pouring their hearts out to each other through a single kiss.

As the kiss went on their lips moving against each other Yoongi lifted his arms wrapping them around the youngers neck his fingers wrapping in his hair. Hoseok felt Yoongi relax and sigh contently into the kiss which made his inside bubble with excitement and fondness.

Somewhere during the kiss Hoseok had positioned Yoongi on his lap, the elder letting him and humming between breaths.

When the two parted their eyes were closed as they caught their breaths smiles on both their faces. Hoseok's hands still cupping Yoongi's cheeks. The pair opened their eyes looking at each other and smiling.

Hoseok caressed Yoongi's cheek with his thumb.

"I love these cheeks, their soft and squishy like marshmallows. Sweet exactly like you."

Yoongi blushed and bit his bottom lip. Hoseok chuckling at how flustered the elder was. He pulled Yoongi into a hug the elder still sat on his lap. Both males' stomachs were fluttering with butterflies wrapped in each other's embrace.

Looking down at Yoongi, Hoseok took in the beautiful face of the male who had come into his life alone and afraid of revealing himself. But now looking down at him wrapped in his arm he could see the changes in the elder male. He was much more comfortable; he stuttered less and became more confident in sharing himself with the world. He opened himself up and trusted others.

It only made him more beautiful in Hoseok's eyes.

While Hoseok was studying the male, he felt Yoongi's body relax, his breathing shallow and eyes flutter shut. Falling asleep on Hoseok's chest, a small smile on his face. Hoseok cooed at the sight running his fingers through the elder's hair and rubbing his hand over the small of his back.

As much as Hoseok loved it, he decided to stand up keeping Yoongi in his hold and carefully carry him down the hallway towards the bedroom.

Opening the door with difficulty Hoseok entered the room and placed Yoongi down on the bed. Yoongi rolled over his eyebrows furrowing as he squirmed uncomfortably in his sleep. Hoseok didn't want to cross any lines but seeing Yoongi so uncomfortable didn't sit right with him.

He gently lifted Yoongi towards him undoing the button to his white skinny jeans and pulling them down his legs. Hoseok eyes staying closed once he had undone the button not wanting to look without permission. His head still turned and eyes closed Hoseok lifted the shirt from Yoongi's body leaving him in just his boxers. He then replaced it with one of his larger shirts and pulling it down onto the smaller male.

The shirt came down to Yoongi mid thighs covering his legs. Once he was done, he opened his eyes and lifted Yoongi back into the centre of the bed and covered him with the covers. Yoongi snuggled up into the pillow humming, seeming much more comfortable as smile on his face.

Hoseok let out a breath thankful he hadn't woken the elder. He took one last look at the sleeping elder and walked over to the bathroom to get himself ready for bed. Pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

Hoseok walked back into the room heading to the inflatable mattress beside the bed and quietly laying down on it.

Hoseok was about to fall asleep when he heard a small whine come from the bed beside him. Looking up he saw Yoongi laying on the edge of the mattress his eyebrows furrowed and lips parted frowning. His breathing unsteady.

Concerned Hoseok got up kneeling down next to the elder gently shaking his shoulder when he saw a small tear fall down Yoongi's cheek. He was having a nightmare.

Yoongi's eyes shot open, glistening with tears and sniffling. Hoseok cupped Yoongi's cheek who now noticed the presence of the younger. Yoongi looked over at Hoseok and wiped his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" Yoongi apologised looking at the younger. Hoseok just shook his head and sadly smiled at Yoongi.

"Don't apologise, are you alright?" Hoseok answered concern laced in his words.

Yoongi gently shook his head a small sob leaving his lips. Hoseok's heart broke seeing Yoongi so distraught.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Yoongi again shook his head. "Alright would you like anything?"

Yoongi looked at Hoseok for a few seconds before swallowing another sob.

"C-can y-you sleep with me? Like next to me?" Yoongi asked averting his gaze away from Hoseok.

Hoseok lifted the elders head to look at him again. "Of course, only if, you're sure."

"I'm sure."

Hoseok smiled. "Ok then scoot over then."

Yoongi shuffled over to make room for Hoseok on the bed. Hoseok lifted the covers and got in the bed beside Yoongi. Hoseok turned over to face the elder opening his arms for him. Yoongi wasted no time scooting over and laying himself in Hoseok's embrace, snuggling into his chest.

Hoseok softly stroked Yoongi's hair lulling him back to sleep quickly. Hoseok smiled at the elder and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight, Marshmallow." Hoseok whispered before he too fell asleep his arms around the younger protectively.

The two ended up falling asleep wrapped in each other's hold. Yoongi's nightmare not returning after all he was safe in Hoseok's arms. 


I decided to give you some fluff to make up for the slow updates. I hope you enjoyed it, I'm trying to make chapters slightly longer, let me know what you think of the length of recent chapters. Should I make them longer? or are they too long?

Anyway! Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter. 


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